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One of the biggest hazards of glacier travel is breaking through a snow bridge and falling into a crevasse.

One of the best-informed men I ever knew was a cowboy who rarely read a newspaper and never a book but who had ridden many thousands of miles through one of the western states. 我认识一名极为博识的牛仔,他很少看报,也从不读书,但已在西部的一个州骑马穿行了数千英里。
One of the better gifts in Santa's bag is the year-end edition of the British Medical Journal, which brightens the cold days of late December with research reports that are actually fun to read. 去年圣诞老公公袋子里有份不错的礼物,就是年终版的《英国医学期刊》,里面几篇研究报告读起来趣味横生,温暖了寒冷的12月底。
One of the better know is Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. 一个比较有名的例子为刘易斯.卡洛尔的《爱丽丝奇境记》。
One of the big benefits of telecommuting is that you can get rid of the interruptions of co-workers, so make sure you don't substitute that with dealing with children, neighbors, friends and so on (or spending time with the Playstation! 远程办公一个很大的好处就是你可以摆脱同事的干扰,因此确保你不要让孩子、邻居、朋友等等取代同事干扰你(或者花时间来玩游戏!)
One of the biggest complaints right away was that some people would come into a multiplayer game and start team killing or join a co-op game and be, well, less than cooperative. 其中抱怨最大的一个问题就是有些人进行多人游戏模式时攻击对友或者在加入合作模式的时候基本没有什么合作进游戏。
One of the biggest hazards of glacier travel is breaking through a snow bridge and falling into a crevasse. 冰川行走其中一个最大的危险是雪桥断裂,接着掉进冰裂缝。
One of the biggest is pollution. 最大的难题之一是污染。
One of the biggest mistakes that many agencies make is that while they do some very good, clean path-breaking work to please a couple of goras, when it comes to regular advertising, they do boring stuff. 许多广告代理商容易犯的最大的错误之一就是,他们会去做一些非常棒、彻底解决问题的作品去取悦那些大客户,而当碰到普通广告时,他们就只有平庸之作了。
One of the biggest problems facing banks is that they tend to do the majority of their lending through housing loans, which is generally for terms between 15 to 30 years. 银行面临的最大问题之一在于倾向于将大部分贷款用于住房贷款上,通常期限为15到30年。
One of the biggest risk in Conyoneering comes from mother nature unleashing her unpredictable and unforgiving fury. 其中最大的一险是大自然母亲会宣泄她的无常喜怒。
One of the biotic polysaccharides-pullulan was selected from many nontoxic biotic materials in order to replace some toxic substances in the liquid used in correction pen. 摘要从无毒生物材料中筛选出生物多糖普鲁兰,代替现有涂改液中的有毒物质,用于涂改液的制作。

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