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Ahhh, you won because of LAG... Ohh wait a second, we're at the arcade!.

Ah... Prime Minister,said Cornelius Fudge, striding forward with his hand outstretched. Good to see you again. “啊……首相大人,”康奈利·福吉一边说,一边大步走向首相并伸出他的手。“再见到你真高兴。”
Aha! So you've played around a lot,she said teasingly. “啊哈!这么说来你经常鬼混咯。”她取笑着说。
Aha, shouted the lion, leaping out with a snarl. I've got you now. “哈哈,”狮子大吼一声,跳出来大声说,“现在我可逮着你了。
Ahh, mademoiselle. You are like a weeping girl adrift in a sea of blood. The epitome of the human way of life! 「小姐啊,你就像一个漂泊在血海中哭泣的女孩,人类生存方式的缩影!」
Ahhh! your souls are fume in the Hell Forge! “啊....!你的灵魂就是地狱熔炉的燃料啊!”
Ahhh, you won because of LAG... Ohh wait a second, we're at the arcade!. 啊,你赢了因为你……哦,等一下,我们在打币呢(装作接电话?)
Ain't worth a bean,she said. “你连豆子都不如,”她说。
Airline crew members love the functionality and versatility of the interior,Wicks said. Passengers love the space, light, security and comfort. “航空公司机组人员喜欢机舱内功能齐全”,Wicks说:“旅客则更看好其空间布置、采光以及安全和舒适。
Alas, what a ruin has befallen thee!said Hester, with the tears, gushing into her eyes. Wilt thou die for very weakness? There is no other cause! “天啊!你已经给毁成什么样子啦!”海丝特说着,泪水涌进了她的眼睛。“你难道就因为软弱而要死吗?此外再没有别的原因了!”
Alas,cries the cage bird, I should not know where to sit perched in the sky. 可怜呵,笼中的鸟说,在天空中我不晓得到哪里去牺息。
Alcohol must not be used as an inducement to encourage people to gamble,added the Commission. 赌博业委员同时表示:赌场不得用酒精吸引顾客赌博。

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