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Pregnant women can safely drink coffee as caffeine does not affect their unborn baby, according to a new study.

Pregnancy, childbirth, dystocia, abortion or by any medical or surgical treatment causing bodily injury or death. 怀孕、分娩、难产或堕胎或在进行任何内、科治疗手术而致的受伤或死亡。
Pregnancy: Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks. 妊娠:妊娠应用是安全的,但其好处必须超过危险性。
Pregnant and nursing rats have a greater number of neural connections, particularly in the region of the brain that controls hormones and maternal behaviour. 怀孕期间和育儿期间的老鼠的神经连接会增多,尤其是大脑中控制荷尔蒙和母性行为的区域。
Pregnant out of wedlock, an educated young woman is pressured by her father into an arranged marriage with a lonely farmer in this drama set during WWII. 一个受教育的年青女子未婚怀孕,她父亲强行安排她和孤单的农夫结婚。故事背景是二战。原本没有感情的两个人,莫名其妙地结了婚,经历了很久,终于互信互爱!
Pregnant women are warned not to smoke. It lowers the baby's birth weight. We've known for some tome that carbon monoxide in tobacco is the culprit here. 怀孕妇女被告诫不能吸烟,否则新生婴儿的体重会降低。一些书中说,烟里的一氧化碳是罪魁祸首。
Pregnant women can safely drink coffee as caffeine does not affect their unborn baby, according to a new study. 一项最新研究显示,孕妇可以放心的喝咖啡了,因为咖啡因不会对胎儿产生影响。
Pregnant women for over seven months, shall not take royal jelly, they shall take queen bee placenta. 怀孕七个月以上的孕妇,不宜服用蜂王浆。改服“蜂王胎宝”。
Pregnant women or one who is taking medicine has to seek doctor's permission in advance of using the sauna. 孕妇或服食药物人士必须征得医生同意后,方可使用。
Pregnant women should not be treated with interferon. 孕妇不应使用干扰素治疗。
Pregnant women who experience stress in the first few weeks of pregnancy appear to have an increased risk of miscarriage, according to findings from a small study of women in Guatemala. 美国科学家最近研究发现,如果孕妇在开始怀孕的最初几周里承受过精神压力,那么她们出现流产的风险似乎比别人要更高一些。
Pregnant women, heart patients, and anyone with a stomach ulcer are usually advised to avoid it. 通常建议孕妇,心脏病患者和胃溃疡患者不要喝咖啡。

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