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This paper makes a comparison of Mao's exploration of Chinese naturalization of Marxism between pre-and-post liberation in the hope of providing a referent view in this study.

This paper mainly studies the brazing of Al-stainless steel with brushing the Ni-Cu baffle. The result indicates that qualified Al-stainless steel joint has been gained by this method. 采用电刷镀镍/铜过渡层的方法,研究了铝和不锈钢的钎焊,使用本工艺较好地实现了两者的连接。
This paper mainly summarizes the tectonic setting, common features, nature of the parental magmas, genesis of rhythmic layers of various types of layered intrusions, and the important roles that magma mixing and crustal contamination play in magma evoluti 文中主要总结了不同类型层状岩体形成的构造背景、基本特征、母岩浆特征和韵律层理成因,以及岩浆混合和地壳混染在岩浆演化过程中起到的重要作用。
This paper make a brief analysis on the basis of a Chinese maritime case and relevant opinion of the supreme People's Court of China and holds that in the course of the assured fulfill the duty of disclosure, the insurer shall be under obligation to acqua 结合我国有关案例和最高人民法院的意见对告知义务的履行加以简要分析,认为在被保险人履行告知义务时,保险人同样有了解并评估风险的义务,否则将可能丧失主张被保险人违反告知义务的权利。
This paper makes a brief introduction of diploe experiment, and provides realizing program on MATLAB, on the basis of the analysis of the data which is got from the experiment. 偶极子实验是竞争学习系统的一个实例,简单介绍了偶极子实验,对其结果进行了分析,并给出了MATLAB的实现程序。
This paper makes a comparative study of proverbs in Chinese and in English from five aspects, that is, historical development, national features, synonymous proverbs, antonymous proverbs, and main idiomatic patterns, in which the process of conquering nat 摘要文章对英汉谚语从5个方面进行了对比研究:发展变化、民族特色、同义谚语、反义谚语、习语格式,从中可清晰看到人类征服自然,认识自我的轨迹,也可从反映的内容上看出人类思维的共性以及不同的文化背景。
This paper makes a comparison of Mao's exploration of Chinese naturalization of Marxism between pre-and-post liberation in the hope of providing a referent view in this study. 本文比较毛泽东在建国前后对马克思主义中国化的探索,以期为深入马克思主义中国化的研究提供可资借鉴的视角。
This paper makes a comprehensive and in-depth summary of the achievements and trends in the field of ethnology in recent China from such aspects as the teaching and research institutions, the academic achievements and current development, the vital proble 摘要本文从教学与研究机构的发展、主要学术成就与当前的进展、存在的焦点问题及对未来学科发展的展望等三个方面,对近年来我国民族学研究的成就与动态进行了全面深入的归纳与总结。
This paper makes a comprehensive review on problems related to data bank technique. 本文对数据银行技术的有关方面进行了简要的综述。
This paper makes a contrast between hard manby Hemingway and the strong-will peopleby Jack London. 摘要美国小说家海明威和杰克?伦敦在其小说创作中都塑了一些“硬汉子”形象。
This paper makes a contrast on the different characteristics of subordinated bond among commercial banks of USA, some European countries and China, and puts forward some innovative suggestions in developing subordinated debt market in China. 本文比较分析了美国、欧洲主要国家以及我国商业银行次级债券的结构特征,并提出我国商业银行次级债结构设计的创新建议。
This paper makes a contrastive study of hedges in about 100 English and Chinese prefaces. 摘要对96部中英文当代作品的前言就模糊限制语的使用异同进行了对比分析。

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