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He talked on the podium, and students of the made notes, laughing now and then by the presenter's humor.

He talked her out of becoming a stewardess. 他说服她不要去做女服务员。
He talked her out of investing in the risky company. 他说服她不要投资到这危险的公司。
He talked me into lending him money. 他说服我借给他钱。
He talked most of them around and kept the wagon train moving. 他把大多数人都劝得回心转意了,使车队继续前进。
He talked on and on, I couldn't throw in a word or two. 他不停地讲,我连一句话都插不上。
He talked on the podium, and students of the made notes, laughing now and then by the presenter's humor. 他在讲台上滔滔不绝,而下面的同学认真地做着笔记,还不时被主讲人的幽默的话语逗笑。
He talked to her with persuasive manner. 他以晓之以礼的态度劝说她。
He talked to me with a nasal voice. 他带着鼻音和我说话。
He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew . 他跟我们谈了一小时的话就走了。
He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew. 他跟我们谈了一小时的话就走了。
He talked tough this week, promising to cancel the elections and resume direct rule in earnest if either party looked less than committed. 他这周语词强硬,声明如果北爱尔兰两党任何一方不积极进取,就会坚决取消选举,恢复英国直接统治。

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