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Karl Marx, a contemporary of the reformation of Poor Law, enlightened us with his insights in the problem of poverty, poor law, and factory laws.

Karl A. Wittfogel, Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957. 李景鹏:《中国政治发展的理论研究纲要》,黑龙江人民出版社,2000年,第305-8页。
Karl Marx began his revolutionary work in his twenties. 卡尔?马克思二十多岁就开始从事革命工作。
Karl Marx began to learn English in his fifties. 卡尔•马克思五十多岁的时候开始学英语。
Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. 卡尔马克思生于德国,德语是他的本族语。
Karl Marx was buried in London. 卡尔·马克思安葬在伦敦。
Karl Marx, a contemporary of the reformation of Poor Law, enlightened us with his insights in the problem of poverty, poor law, and factory laws. 然而,马克思适逢济贫法的改革年代,又对贫穷问题、济贫法及工厂法等皆有其独到的见解。
Karl Marx: It was a historical inevitability. 马克斯:历史的必然性.
Karl and David are constantly at odds, even as they struggle to adjust to life in their strange new world. 寻找父亲踪迹的同时,更开始融入生活,最后更协助恐龙帝国对抗企图侵害岛上和平的敌人。
Karl has experience in running a school. 卡尔办学校很有经验.
Karl must concentrate on his work. 卡尔必须集中精力于自己的工作。
Karl remains in the Los Angeles county jail. 卡尔现被囚于洛杉矶县监狱。

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