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By 1965, 1970, will there be other Cubas in Latin America?

By 1947, Allied forces had surrendered to Axis control. 到1947年,同盟国势力被迫投降于轴心国的控制。
By 1950, television had grown into major part of show business. 到1950年,电视已成为影视业的主要部分。
By 1955, IKEA was designing all its own furniture. 到了1955年,宜家家具已经自行设计所有的家具。
By 1958, a Ph.D. in political science had been authorized. 到了公元1958年,校方授与了第一个政治学博士学位。
By 1958, our modest white farmhouse was filled with six children, and Mama was delighted. 到1958年,我们这座简朴的农场白色小屋里有了六个孩子,妈妈非常高兴。
By 1965, 1970, will there be other Cubas in Latin America? 到了1965年,1970年,拉丁美洲还会出现另一个古巴吗?
By 1967, when the US population hit 200m, the US was up to its neck in the Vietnam War, Muhammad Ali was stripped of his world heavyweight title for refusing the draft, dozens were killed in race riots in Detroit, and San Francisco was beguiled by the Sum 1967年,当美国人口突破2亿时,美国正疲于应对越南战争,穆罕默德·阿里因拒绝参军而被剥夺世界重量级拳王头衔,底特律的种族骚乱导致数十人被杀,旧金山被《爱之夏日》所诱惑。
By 1970 DDT spraying, elimination of mosquito breeding sites and the expanded use of antimalarial drugs freed more than 500 million people, or roughly one third of those previously living under malaria's cloud. 到了1970年,由于喷灑DDT、清除蚊子繁殖地,以及扩大使用抗疟药物,超过五亿人得以免受疟疾的威胁,约略是原先生活在疟疾阴影下人口的1/3。
By 1978, neither had a western of his own to make. 1978年,他们两人都没有制作自己的西部片。
By 1987, America's machine tool industry was on the ropes. 截至1987年,美国的机械用具行业还处于困境。
By 1987, America's machine tool industry (had been on the ropes). 到1987年,美国的机床工业已经处于困境了。

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