The total overtime hours should not exceed 36 hours per month if the factory has no Overtime Waiver from local labor bureau; On condition that the factory has got the document from the labor bureau, the overtime hours can reach as much as 72 hours per mon
若没有向劳动局申请延长加班的批文,则加班时间每月不能超过36小时,若申请加班批文后,每月加班时间可以达到72小时(周一至周五,每天正常上班8小时,加班2小时,周六加班8小时,周日休息)。 |
The total percentage of the weed eliminated were 65.3%-92.7%and 89.0%-93.5%in fresh weight.
杂草株总防效为65.3%~92.7%,鲜重防效为89.0%~93.5%。 |
The total phosphorus requirement is relative to the potential of soil phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer application.
总磷需求量与土壤磷潜力和施用氮肥有关。 |
The total planned area of Jin-shanzui Industrial Park is 22.8 square km, consisting of Shanyang Industrial Park and Jin-shanzui harbor.
金山嘴工业区规划总面积22.8平方公里,下辖山阳工业区、金山嘴港区。 |
The total planning area of the Park is 13 square kms, east to the West Circular Line of Wuxi, south to Fuqian Road, west to Zhihu Canal (connected with the Great Canal and Tai Lake), north to the Great Canal.
园区总体控制规划面积13平方公里,东起无锡市西环线,南抵府前路,西至直湖港(接通京杭运河和太湖),北至京杭大运河。 |
The total premium is 800 U.S. dollars.
保险费总共是800美圆。 |
The total process of identifying, controlling, and eliminating or minimizing uncertain events that may affect IT system resources.
识别、控制、消除或降低不期望事件影响IT系统资源的全过程。 |
The total production is about 544 till end of 1995.
总产量至95年底为之约为544架。 |
The total public for Titian in the 16th century or Velazquez in the 17th was probably no more than a few thousand people - though that included most of the crowned heads, nobility and intelligentsia of Europe.
16世纪的提香(意大利画家)或是17世纪的维拉斯奎兹的画迷大概也没有超过1000人─尽管这些人包括了欧洲大部分的皇宫贵族以及知识分子。 |
The total purchases include: (1) agricultural and industrial products purchased from producers; (2) books, magazines and newspapers purchased from distribution departments of the publishers; (3) commodities purchased from wholesale and retail establishmen
商品购进总额包括:(1)从工农业生产者购进的商品;(2)从出版社、报社的出版发行部门购进的图书、杂志和报纸;(3)从各种经济类型的批发零售贸易企业(单位)购进的商品;(4)从其他单位购进的商品,如从机关、团体、企业、单位购进的剩余物资,从餐饮业、服务业购进的商品,从海关、市场管理部门购进的缉私和没收的商品,从居民收购的废旧商品等;(5)从国(境)外直接进口的商品。 |
The total purchases include:(1) agricultu ral and industrial products purchased from producers; (2) books, magazines and n ewspapers purchased from distribution departments of the publishers; (3) commodi ties purchased from wholesale and retail establishm
商品购进总额包括:(1)从工农业生产者购进的商品;(2)从出版社、报社的出版发行部门购进的图书、杂志和报纸;(3)从各种经济类型的批发零售贸易企业(单位)购进的商品;(4)从其他单位购进的商品,如从机关、团体、企业单位购进的剩余物资,从餐饮业、服务业购进的商品,从海关、市场管理部门购进的缉私和没收的商品,从居民收购的废旧商品等;(5)从国(境)外直接进口的商品。 |