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He has traveled far and wide and has appeared in major TV shows and concert venues in the UK and all over Europe.

He has touched troublesomely in his work. 他已在他的工作中碰上了麻烦。
He has transferred from the army to the navy. 他从陆军转到海军。
He has transferredfrom the warehouse to the accounts office. 他已由仓库调到会计室任职.
He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. 他将林地和草原改造成为农田,使江河变成湖泊和水库,用于灌溉或用于水力发电。
He has traveled all over Europe. 他已经游遍了欧洲。
He has traveled far and wide and has appeared in major TV shows and concert venues in the UK and all over Europe. 他游历甚广,在重要的电视访谈中露面,并在英国乃至全欧洲举办演唱会。
He has traveled widely. 他到过很多地方。
He has travelled different places in China. 他在中国不同的地方旅游了。
He has treated numerous City workers who are “completely burned out” because they have chosen to sleep less in order to fit other things into their lives, and so have accumulated a massive “sleep debt”. 他治疗过众多伦敦金融城的员工,这些患者“完全筋疲力尽”,原因在于,为了适应生活中的其它事情,他们选择了减少睡眠,累积了大量的“睡眠债”。
He has treble his income during the last few years. 在过去几年中他的收入已增加了两倍。
He has tried a lot of way to treat skin disease. 他已经试了许多治疗皮肤病的方法.

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