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The Scot started from the back of the grid after a precautionary engine change after qualifying, and then fought the balance of his Red Bull RB2 all through the race.

The Scorpion, showing his sting, said: If you had but touched me, my friend, you would have lost me, and all your locusts too! 蝎子举起他的毒刺,说道:“来吧,如果你真敢这样做,就连你捉的蚱蜢也会统统失掉。”
The Scot also had praise for England striker Wayne Rooney, who was handed the captain's armband after Rio Ferdinand and Ryan Giggs were late withdrawals. 这位苏格兰人同样也盛赞了英格兰的射手鲁尼,后者在费迪南德和吉格斯分别被换下场的时候戴上了球队队长的袖标。
The Scot fears the forward, who is recovering from a broken metatarsal in his right foot, may be “pressured into playing before he is ready” and has called for a “realistic approach” from the England camp. 苏格兰人害怕正在从右脚跖骨骨折中恢复的这名前锋会“会被迫在准备好之前参赛”希望英格兰队能够现实的面对鲁尼问题。
The Scot feels Heinze should show loyalty to United because of the way the club helped him recover from his serious knee injury two years ago. 而苏格兰人认为海因策应该表现出对曼联的忠诚,因为在过去两年里球员严重的膝伤的恢复,俱乐部一直帮助他。
The Scot says the key to surviving in football for so long, aside from an insatiable love of the game, is voracious hunger to learn. 苏格兰人说他一直能在竞争激烈的足球圈里立于不败之地的要点除了对足球的热爱之外就是保持对学习的高热情。
The Scot started from the back of the grid after a precautionary engine change after qualifying, and then fought the balance of his Red Bull RB2 all through the race. 由于排位赛之后更换了引擎,苏格兰人的发车位置位于发车区之后,之后在比赛之中他一直在与红牛RB2赛车的平衡相抗衡。
The Scots have distilled whisky for centuries. 苏格兰人用蒸馏法制威士忌酒已有数百年历史.
The Scots may get very annoyed being asked the question. 苏格兰人听到这个问题可能会很恼怒。
The Scots meanwhile, are squeezed between England's expansion to the North and the growing Viking presence that threatens their shores. 同时,苏格兰被夹在向北扩张的英格兰和日益频繁地骚扰他们海岸线的维京人之间。
The Scots subdued the environment with simple ades and strong arms. 格兰扁一度不适合耕作,倔强的苏格兰人,凭着双手征服了这片土地。
The Scots subdued the environment with simple spades and strong arms. 格兰扁一度不适合耕作,倔强的苏格兰人,凭着双手征服了这片土地。

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