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Some tribes have reinforced that impression by naively giving money to politicians and lobbyists including, notoriously, Jack Abramoff.

Some traditions look on all initiates as co-equal clergy, while others have grades or degreesof initiation, which may be marked by distinct sacramental ceremonies, duties or expectations within the tradition. 一些传统看待所有的开始传授跟互相平等的牧师一样,而有些分等级或开始传授的“程度”,或许靠明显的圣典仪式、在传统里的职责或期望来标明地位。
Some tragedy will befall a person who walks under a ladder. 如果谁要是从梯子底下走过去的话,那么厄运就要来了。
Some train services have been lopped off this line. 这条路线已经有几辆火车停开了。
Some transactions reportedly involved money laundering. 报道称,有些交易有洗钱之嫌。
Some trends in the studies of cellular inorganic chemistry have been described in this review, which mainly contains the aspects of effects of metal ions including calcium ions and lanthanide ions and activated small molecule on ion channels, receptor pro 摘要本文评述了当前细胞无机化学研究中的几个方面,主要是包括钙离子和稀土离子在内的金属离子和活性小分子对细胞膜离子通道、膜受体蛋白、胞内受体蛋白以及对细胞功能的影响。
Some tribes have reinforced that impression by naively giving money to politicians and lobbyists including, notoriously, Jack Abramoff. 通过大度的给政治家和类似于臭名昭著的说客杰克·阿布拉莫夫慷慨献金,人们加深了对某些部落的印象。
Some tribes migrate with their cattle in search of fresh grass. 有些部落为了寻找新鲜的牧草而带着他们的牲畜迁移。
Some tried to convince prospective buyers to purchase their entire family. 有些奴隶还哀求买家买下他们全家人。
Some tried to stop up the leaks while others tried to steady the rudder. 有些人设法堵漏洞,另一些人设法掌稳船舵。
Some tropical fish reproduce themselves by laying eggs. 某些热带鱼类靠产卵进行繁殖。
Some truly amazing fish fill the world's oceans, lakes, rivers and ponds. 有些相当奇妙的鱼栖息于世上各海洋、湖泊、河川及池塘。

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