An Arab was walking alone through the desert when he met two men.
有个阿拉伯人正独自在沙漠里行走,这时他碰见了两个人。 |
An Arab was walking alone through the forest when he met two men.
一个阿拉伯人在森林里独自行走,正在这时他碰见了两个人。 |
An Arab was walking along in the desert when he met two men.
一个阿拉伯人正独自在沙漠中走,这时他碰见两个人。 |
An Armenian tightrope walker steadies himself with his balance pole as he prepared to perform a trick.
一个亚美尼亚的走钢丝者用他的平衡杆保持平衡,准备玩一场把戏。 |
An Army brat was boasting about his father to a Navy brat.
一个陆军菜鸟正向一个海军菜鸟吹嘘自己的父亲。 |
An Asian man walked into the currency exchange in New York with 2000 Japanese yen and walked out with $72.
一位亚洲男子拿着2000日元进入纽约的一家外币兑换银行,换得72美元. |
An Associated Press photographer near Colombo, Sri Lanka, counted 24 bodies in a stretch of four miles.
一名美联社摄影记者在斯里兰卡首都科伦坡附近的一段4英里的路程上,就看到了24具尸体。 |
An Associated member is not subject to the payment of any membership fees but is not entitled to vote at General Meetings and can not be elected as member of the Management Committee.
联合会员不交会费,也没有会员大会上的投票权和管理委员会(理事会)成员的选举权和被选举权。 |
An Atheist believes that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment.
就象在生活里实践基督的教导才是真基督徒;那些只信有神,但却处处与神的教导相违背的人,不是真正的基督徒。但从广义上,他们都叫基督徒。 |
An Auckland family was confronted by a stranger who smashed windows and vandalised their home, early yesterday morning.
昨天一早,奥克兰南区曼牛瑞娃的一户人家里闯进一个不速之客,对他们家进行打砸。 |
An Auckland policewoman who boosted her income moonlighting as a prostitute in a top massage parlour will have earned up to $500 a night.
奥克兰女警以在按摩院提供性服务,每晚得到500元来增加收入。 |