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Abstract: New ideas,new structures and new technologies have been used for the design, manufacture and installment of wiggler in order to achieve the coincidence of the central level planes of magnets and beam vacuum tube.

Abstract: Nanjing was the capital city in early Ming Dynasty, as well as the place Zheng He worked and lived for a long time.The position of the capital city, Zheng He's relics all around Nanjing, especially the site of Longjiang Treasure Ship Factory, sh 提要:南京是明初的国都,也是郑和长期工作和生活的地方,无论从南京作为国都的地位,还是从遍布南京的郑和遗迹,特别是龙江宝船厂遗址的存在,都表明南京是郑和下西洋的策源地。
Abstract: Nano TiO2 was dip-coated on active air purification sieve of active carbon.The purification effect of this sieve against various polluting gases were investigated.The result showed that purification effects on H2S,NH3,HCHO,CO,and toluene were no 文摘:采用浸涂法在活性炭空气净化网上负载纳米二氧化钛,在紫外光的照射下,净化网对一氧化碳、甲醛、硫化氢等污染物的净化能力明显增强,对比实验表明,在紫外光照射下光催化剂使被吸附的污染物发生降解反应而提高活性炭的净化能力。
Abstract: Necessities for construction design were expounded from quality,expense,schedule and safety control etc.with an example of the xylene to wer in the PX unit.Suggestions for construction design was put forward. 文摘:以某石油化工总厂PX装置二甲苯塔为例,从质量、费用、进度和安全控制全过程的角度,阐述了对大型塔器的设计、制造和安装一体化的要求,即可施工性设计的必要性,并对如何在工程建设全过程中做好可施工性设计提出了建议。
Abstract: Neurology is an important subject of modern clinic medicin.This article summarize how to improve the neurologic clinic education in schooling,assistant education,case analysis and practice. 文摘:神经病是现代临床医学的一门重要学科。本文从授课、辅助教学、病例分析和实习四方面概述了如何搞好神经病学的临床教学。
Abstract: New fruits are achieved constantly in the hydrocarbon exploration and development of the Tarim Basin. Among these, the computer digital graphics is a powerful tool serving the object. 文摘:塔里木盆地油气勘探、开发研究工作不断取得新的成果。计算机数字制图技术的应用,是服务于塔里木盆地油气勘探、开发的一个有力工具。
Abstract: New ideas,new structures and new technologies have been used for the design, manufacture and installment of wiggler in order to achieve the coincidence of the central level planes of magnets and beam vacuum tube. 文摘:采用新思想、新结构、新工艺设计和加工超导扭摆磁铁,并在安装过程中确保磁体的准直,实现了磁体的磁中心水平面与束流真空管的中心水平面的重合。
Abstract: New progress of Raman technique in the research on macromolecule science recent years was summarized in this paper including the miscibility of polymer blends,the mechanism of surface plasticization,the monitoring of stress and strain relaxation 文摘:综述了拉曼技术在高分子科学研究中近年来的最新进展,包括聚合物共混物的相容性、表面增塑机理、应力松弛和应变过程的监测以及拉曼成像、聚合反应监控、固化过程监测、聚合物结晶过程监控、聚合物水溶液和凝胶体系中水的结构及分子间、分子内相互作用力的研究。
Abstract: Newborns with hearing disability can still have normal language and other behavior development if early identification and early intervention of hearing disability are conducted before they are six months old. 摘要先天听障幼儿如能早期诊断及治疗,将来可以达到较正常之语言和其他身心发展。
Abstract: Non-spot pollution source was analyzed qualitively and quantitatively on the basis of experiment data of pollution density variation during raining and flood process.The experiment result is in agreement with the observed reality.A calculation m 文摘:利用雨洪过程中污染物浓度变化的试验资料,对非点源污染进行了定量和定性分析,指出非点源在雨洪过程中的作用特点与试验成果有很好的一致性,提出了一种粗略测算次雨洪非点源量值的方法。
Abstract: Now, a certain trend has become true in combined training of the postgraduate by army college, local medical university and army big comprehensive hospital. 文摘:当前,各军医大学、地方医学院与军队综合性医院联合培养研究生已成为必然的趋势。
Abstract: Numerous mushrooms are toxic to insects.To identify the chemicals involved in insecticidal activity,the toxicity of 14 species has b een studied for water solubility,thermolability,and dialysis.The data strongly s uggest that proteins are respon 文摘:许多蘑菇都对昆虫表现出毒性.为了证实与杀虫毒性有关的化合物,对14种蘑菇的毒性在水溶性、热敏性和可透析性等方面进行了研究.研究数据表明,蛋白质对大多数蘑菇子实体的杀虫活性起着重要作用,也许是一种可以用于植物抵抗害虫的基因源.在数种蛋白质中,凝集素和溶血素因不受蛋白酶的影响而成为良好的杀虫剂候选材料.

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