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Remember to accumulate a surplus and dont be tempted to increase your trading unit too quickly.

Remember those two beautiful elm trees out there? 还记得那边那两棵漂亮的榆树吗?
Remember those who are imprisoned as bound with them, those who are ill treated as being yourselves also likewise treated in body. 3你们要顾念被捆绑的人,好像与他们同受捆绑;也要顾念遭苦害的人,因为自己也在肉身之内。
Remember throughout that your paper should be a work of critical analysis. 请牢记,文章中要始终进行批判性分析。
Remember time is ticking away so be fast, be smart and use your dexterity to complete all 8 levels in time. 需要用最聪明的方法和技巧及时完成8个水平关。
Remember times and repetitions can and should be altered. 记住:练习时间和重复次数都可以、而且应该变动。
Remember to accumulate a surplus and dont be tempted to increase your trading unit too quickly. 积累你的盈利,并且不要过于快速地增加交易仓位。
Remember to admire her new dress. 记住要赞美她的新衣。
Remember to behave well at grandparents' home. If you meet something difficult in study,ask your uncle or Grandpa for help.Follow gandma's guide in your daily life,you remember? 在外公、外婆家要听话,有不懂的题目问舅舅和外公,一定要认真。在生活上要听外婆的话。知道吗?
Remember to bolt all the doors and windows. 记得给所有的门窗上闩。
Remember to clean your hands before check it. 切记在检查它之前要洗干净你的手。
Remember to drop me a line. 别忘了给我写信.

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