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Write with a pen, not a pencil.

Write to him care of his solicitor. 写给他的信件由律师转交.
Write to us and ask for it. We will send it to you. 写信给我们,指明要这本书,我们就为你寄上。
Write to your host family, counselor, and club before you go. 在出发前写信给你的接待家庭,接待社及顾问。
Write two essays, one in response to each of the two questions below. 写两篇文章,其中一篇要回答下面两个问题中的一个。
Write unit test programs for your code. 为你的代码编写单元测试程序。
Write with a pen, not a pencil. 用钢笔不要用铅笔写。
Write without delay to inquire of him the reason for his absence from the conference. 立即写信向他问清楚缺席会议的原因。
Write you own paragraph defining a successful modern hotel. 用自己的话给成功的现代饭店下定义。
Write your default config options here! 不是可以在这里面修改一些默认模式嘛?
Write your goals clearly. Post them in eyeball view of where you work most. 清楚的写下你的目标。放在你的眼皮底下。
Write your initials in capitals. 把你名字的第一个字母写成大写。

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