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“Innovation, high quality, trade honestly, win-win beneficially”, this is permanently our corporate culture and management theory, thus the brand has been the symbol of high quality and firmly innovation of Catherine with its products cater to the market,

“Income inequality and self-reported health in rural China”, to be soon submitted to The Lancet (with Wang Qu). “中国农村收入不平等与自评健康”,已投《经济研究》,等待消息.
“Indeed, neural circuits for laughter exist in very ancient regions of the brain, and ancestral forms of play and laughter existed in other animals eons before we humans came along with our 'ha-ha-has' and verbal repartee,” says Jack Panksepp, a neuroscie 「的确,笑的神经迴路存在于大脑的非常古老区域,传承自久远时代的玩耍和笑声的形式早在我们人类出现『哈哈哈』和口头敏捷应答的很久之前,就存在于其他动物身上,」布林格陵州立大学的神经科学家杰克.潘克塞普如此表示。
“Infertile men can turn to sperm banks for help starting a family. “不晕的人可以向精子库提供精子来帮助建立一个家庭。”
“Initial Analysis of the Systematic Causes of the Existence of Canadian Regionalism”, International Forum, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2002. 《加拿大地方主义经久不衰的机制性原因探析》,载《国际论坛》,2002年第1期。
“Innovation, Quality, Service” is the unflagging pursuit of the LIONMED. “创新、质量、服务”是公司永恒的追求。
“Innovation, high quality, trade honestly, win-win beneficially”, this is permanently our corporate culture and management theory, thus the brand has been the symbol of high quality and firmly innovation of Catherine with its products cater to the market, “不断创新、保证质量、诚信交易、双赢互利”是揭阳市凯瑟琳玩具一贯秉承的企业文化和经营理念,现自有品牌“凯瑟琳”也是揭阳市凯瑟琳玩具高品质定位与锐意创新的象征;产品迎合市场、迎合客户需求。
“Innovatively Creating a Healthy China Together” was made theme of the night, while all entertaining programs reflected harmonization between Chinese &Western culture. “携手、创新、健康、中国”是当晚的主题,助兴节目充分体现了中西方文化的水乳交融。
“Inside, to meet the navy's key performance parameters and design in new technology, we have had to completely rearrange the general arrangement. “从内部看,为了满足海军的关键性能参数和新的设计技术,我们不得不彻底地重新安排总体布置。
“Insisting on quality first, meeting the needs of the customers” is a consistent quality guideline advocated. “坚持质量第一,满足客户要求”是欧菲照明一贯倡导的质量方针。
“Insolvency proceedings” includes any assignment for the benefit of creditors or other proceedings intended to liquidate or rehabilitate the estate of the person involved. “破产程序”包括为债权人利益的任何转让或旨在清算或恢复当事人不动产的其它程序。
“Inspiration comes from nature, the most importance of service is realize”, “Leading current, Overstep vogue”. “灵感源于自然,服务重在实现”,“引领潮流、超越时尚”。

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