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A level 50 cheater tries to kill your legit character and fails.

A letter posted today will probably reach him the day after tomorrow. 今天发的信或许后天他能接到。
A letter using the new company name letterhead (duly signed) to inform of the name change. 用有新公司台头的信纸写的一款说更改名字的信件,并要签名的。
A letter was written to me. 有人给我写了封信。
A letter's value seems to lie in its personal aspect. 一封信的价值看起来表现在它的表面上。
A levee's height, the depth of its foundation or pilings, the quality of its materials, the degree of compaction (done by driving heavy machinery over the layers), and the type of slope finish depend greatly on the money approved for a project. 海堤高度、地基或打桩深度、物料品质、压实程度(以重机具在土层上行驶),以及边坡表面种类等,大多取决于工程经费。
A level 50 cheater tries to kill your legit character and fails. 一个50级的骗子试图杀死你的合法角色但失败了。
A level of pictorial accuracy that borders on, but does not become, photo-realism is blended with a strong sense of color and the ability to capture personality and emotion that evokes the great portrait masters of the past. 近乎照片写实主义的生动逼真,混合着强烈的色彩感和他掌握个性与情感的卓越能力,这些都是造就历代人像画大师的特质。
A lever is a tool with the economy of force. 杠杆是一种省力工具.
A lexical chain is a series of related words and primarily used in text structure analyzing. 词汇链是由一系列词义相关的词语组成,最初被用于分析文本的结构。
A lexicon, vocabulary, or dictionary. 字典辞典、词汇或字典
A liability insurance for the common interest of all parties to provide full responsibility for the risk. 一种责任保险,为有共同利益的各方提供全部责任风险保障。

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