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They know that we be hungry; therefore are they gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field, saying, When they come out of the city, we shall catch them alive, and get into the city.

They know not how many things are signified by the words stealing, sowing, buying, keeping quiet, seeing what ought to be done; for this is not effected by the eyes, but by another kind of vision. 偷窃、播种、购买、保持肃静、弄明白应该做什么,许多事情正是由这些词赋予了意义,这不是肉眼的作用,而依靠心灵之眼。
They know not how to cast nets. 他们不知如何游泳,他们不知如何撒网。
They know that a seal swimming under the ice will keep a breathing hole open by its warm breath, so they will wait beside the hole and kill it. 他们知道在冰面下面游泳的海豹呼吸的热气会使冰面上出现洞口,于是他们就在洞旁守侯并捕杀海豹。
They know that it is forbidden to log and graze in the forests. 他们知道在这些森林中砍伐或者放牧都是禁止的。
They know that their lateness will cause anger, and this serves their deep need to be punished. 他们深信迟到会让人生气,这正好满足了他们内心深处受惩罚的需要。
They know that we be hungry; therefore are they gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field, saying, When they come out of the city, we shall catch them alive, and get into the city. 他们知道我们饥饿,所以离营,埋伏在田野,说,以色列人出城的时候,我们就活捉他们,得以进城。
They know the feeling well, and need to dig back into recent history when they played with that passion and fervor after everyone counted them out last year when their backs were against the wall. 他们应该知道个中滋味如何,回顾上个赛季,找回那支每个队员都热情挥洒,干劲十足的太阳队吧。
They know the former intern was killed. 他们知道前见习医生死了。
They know their father, their grandfather, or at least, they do in most cases. 他们知道这些人的父亲、祖父,至少多数情况是这样。
They know their savings like the palm of their hands, and they bear in mind clearly their financial plans and therefore make matching specific plans for different stages in their life. 不论这种说法是否准确,有调查表明,越来越的英国百姓逐渐成为理财专家,对自己的银行储蓄情况了如指掌,对自己的财政计划了然于胸,并在不同的人生阶段为自己制定不同的理财方案。
They know their training can't be haphazard or left to chance. 他们知道他们的训练不能毫无计划或靠运气。

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