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In case the contractual JV agreement and the articles of association contradict with the contractual JV, the contract shall prevail.

In case the application is not revised or not revised within the time limit or, though revised, still not conformable to the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law, it shall be rejected and a Notice of Rejection issued to the applicant. 第十七条对驳回申请的商标申请复审的,申请人应当在收到驳回通知之日起十五天内,将《驳回商标复审申请书》一份交送商标评审委员会申请复审,同时附送原《商标注册申请书》、原商标图样十份、黑白墨稿一份和《驳回通知书》。
In case the claim period aboe specified is not in conformity with the quality guarantee period, during the quality guarantee period, the buyers hae rights to lodge claims against the sellers concerning the quality guarantee. 如上述规定之索赔期与质量保证期不一致,在质量保证期限内买方仍可向卖方就质量保证条款之内容向卖方提出索赔。
In case the claim period above specified is not in conformity with the quality guarantee period, during the quality guarantee period, the buyers have rights to lodge claims against the sellers concerning the quality guarantee. 如上述规定之索赔期与质量保证期不一致,在质量保证期限内买方仍可向卖方就质量保证条款之内容向卖方提出索赔。
In case the contract goods are not insured in time owing to the seller having failed to give timely advice, any and all consequent losses shall be borne by the seller. 如果由于卖方未能及时将装运通知电告买方,以致货物未及时保险而发生的一切损失应由卖方负担。
In case the contract of insurance is terminated by the Insurer prior to its expiry pursuant to law or to the agreement of the contract of insurance, the premium to be calculated pro rata daily for the unexpired period shall be refunded to the Insured. 如果按法律或者保险合同的协议,保险方提前终止保险合同时,则应将按日计算的未到期的保险费,退还投保方。
In case the contractual JV agreement and the articles of association contradict with the contractual JV, the contract shall prevail. 合作企业协议、章程的内容与合作企业合同不一致的,以合作企业合同为准。
In case the dissidence registration is improper and bring into damages to the right holder, the holder may require the applicant to compensate for damages. 异议登记不当,造成权利人损害的,权利人可以向申请人请求损害赔偿。
In case the document is issued by a non-legal representative, the legal representative power of attorney shall be presented (hereinafter the same). 非法定代表人签署文件的,应当出具法定人委托授权书(下同)。
In case the employing entity is altered, the employing entity upon alteration shall apply to the local administrative department of labor and social security at the prefecture (municipal) level for another employment permit for the person from Taiwan, Hon 用人单位变更的,应当由变更后的用人单位到所在地的地(市)级劳动保障行政部门为台、港、澳人员重新申请办理就业证。
In case the goods are not insured in time owing to the Seller's having failed to give timely advice, any consequent losses shall be borne by the Seller. 若卖方未及时发出装船通知,以致货物延误投保,由此造成的损失由卖方负担。
In case the lace of issue is missing in a cheque, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue. 支票上未记载出票地的,出票人的营业场所、住所或者经常居住地为出票地。

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