Observe all copyright laws when posting copyrighted material. If the material does not belong to you, credit the source/author please.
九、遵守版权法规法律,如果你发的信息是有版权的,同时又不属于你,请标明原作者和来源。 |
Observe all health and safety data on the container.
现场遵守一切健康安全规定。 |
Observe care fully how the bacteria react to this stimulus.
仔细观察细菌对这一刺激有什么反应。 |
Observe client's body alignment and position whenever in visual contact with client. Reposition as needed, at least every 2 hours.
随时观察病人体位,需要时应重新放置,至少每2小时一次。 |
Observe my Sabbaths and have reverence for my sanctuary. I am the LORD.
2你们要守我的安息日,敬我的圣所。我是耶和华。 |
Observe public order. Don't yell or shout out loud. Always join a public queue for good order. Don't walk abreast on a sidewalk. Don't talk loudly in public.
遵守公共秩序。不喧哗吵闹,排队遵守秩序,不并行挡道,不在公众场所高声交谈。 |
Observe safety regulation and workshop rules.
遵守安全条例和车间的规章制度。 |
Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you.
14所以你们要守安息日,以为圣日。 |
Observe the Seven Virtues in your daily life: no drugs, no pornography, no violence, no stealing, no gambling, no alcohol, and no harsh speech.
每天生活有七诫:诫烟毒、诫色情、诫暴力、诫偷盗、诫赌博、诫酗酒、诫恶口。 |
Observe the bookshelf carefully, find that there are two very suspicious places, utilize the wooden ladder to investigate these two places, find two classics, one is originally the research regarding the energy of the world is distributed, say above whole
仔细观察书架,发现有两处地方很可疑,利用木梯调查这两个地方,找到两本书典,一本是关于世界能量分布的研究,上面说整个世界遍布着能量线,而能量线相交处的交点则是能量聚集的地方,世界上有三个能量最盛点,分别是位于英国的石阵、位于北美新英格兰(英国殖民地)的邓肯河地区、南美秘鲁的首都;另一本是邓肯河向导书,里面描述说邓肯河的悬崖地区有错综复杂的地下通道,有些至今仍能通行。 |
Observe the canonical exception-safety rules: Always use the resource acquisition is initializationidiom to isolate resource ownership and management.
遵守规范的异常安全规则:利用“资源分配即初始化”这一习惯以隔离资源的所有权和资源管理。 |