If you pay more attention to our traffic sign, you will certainly enjoy your stay here. |
中文意思: 如果能对我们的交通标志多加注意,您在这里肯定会玩得开心。 |
If you park there, you might get a parking ticket.
你把车停放在那里,就会收到一张违例停车传票。 |
If you parked your car legally, then why was it towed?
如果你是合法停车,那麽为何车子会被拖吊? |
If you pass in a sequence which is longer or shorter than 4 elements, it is probably not going to do what you want.
如果你换一个多于或者少于4个元素的列表,它很可能不会按照你的要求来做。 |
If you pass your fingers or a caliper all around you will find some places thicker, some places thinner, but that will come with years of making guitars and experimenting.
如果你用你的手指在面板上到处滑或校正测量仪随处量,你会发现到有些地方较厚,有些地方较薄,但厚薄拿捏之处是经过多年做吉他的经验和实验的结果。 |
If you pay for both of us now, we can settle up later.
你要是现在先付清咱们两人的帐,事后咱们俩再细算。 |
If you pay more attention to our traffic sign, you will certainly enjoy your stay here.
如果能对我们的交通标志多加注意,您在这里肯定会玩得开心。 |
If you pay this fee, then you can make unlimited calls for free.
缴了这笔费用之后,不论你打几通电话都不必再付钱。 |
If you perch quietly in this pose for at least a minute, what tiny sounds can you hear?
如果用猫头鹰的姿式安静的栖息于树枝上一分钟,你可以听到多细微的声音? |
If you persevere in looking for a job, you are sure to find a suitable one.
如果你坚持找下去,你肯定会找到一份合适的工作。 |
If you persevere with the work, you'll succeed in the end.
如果你工作锲而不舍,最终会取得成功。 |
If you persevere with work, you'll succeed in the end.
你如果把工作坚持下去,最终会取得成功的。 |