This impairs a regenerative system that relies upon the ability of the blood and lymph to do their job.
这会削弱依赖血液和淋巴来工作的重生系统。 |
This impetus is caused by the thought you used to cause the motion.
这种推力是你的引发动作的思想造成的。 |
This implementation allows threads within different processes to be scheduled according to a single scheme of relative prioritizing. This is suited for exploiting the concurrence of multiprocessors.
核心级线程如许不同进程里的线程按照同一相对优先方法调度,这适合于发挥多处理器的并发优点。 |
This implementation is more interesting, since we map two properties to the plain text.
该实现更有趣,因为我们映射了两个属性到纯文本。 |
This implies a low price (implementations and libraries given away for free to gain market share), intensive and unscrupulous marketing (hype), and an appearance of a standard due to lack of alternative suppliers.
这意味着低价(为取得市场份额免费发放实作和库),强力到无耻的营销(欺骗宣传),以及由于缺乏替代提供商产生的标准表象。 |
This implies that it is not possible that the centrifugal force is provided by the universal gravity.
这说明该向心力不可能是由万有引力提供的。 |
This implies that position and momentum can never be simultaneously measured with arbitrary precision, even in principle: as the precision of the position measurement improves, the maximum precision of the momentum measurement decreases, and vice versa.
这意味着位置与动量永远不能用任意精度同时测量,即使在原理中:当位置测量精度提高,动量测量的最大精度减少,反之亦然。 |
This implies that potash was generally not being overused in an attempt to maximize production.
这表明在追求最高产量时钾肥的使用并未过量。 |
This implies that the clauses of public security ordinaces currently in effect concerning prostitution activities as well as the clauses of criminal law currently in effect concerning pimping need to be amended.
这意味着要修改现行治安条例中关于卖淫活动的条文,修改现行刑法中关于淫媒的有关条文。 |
This implies that the euro's PPP is exactly $1, so at its current rate of $1.10 the euro is 10% overvalued.
这表明欧元的购买力评价恰好是1美元,所以以当前$1.10的汇率计算,欧元被高估了10%。 |
This implies that we'll have to swap them when we load or save the image.
这个也预示我们在读取和储存的时候,我们需要交换它们的位置。 |