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A taper has two sides, the underside is a circle, the flank is a camber.

A tank that's motionless while capturing a flag will wait until you run up behind it to plant C4 before the drivers cat steps on the S key and kills you. 一台在旗帜旁看来动也不动的坦克,往往在你放好C4在它屁股之后才突然按S压死你!
A tankard of beer somewhat loosened the worthy fellow's tongue. 一箱的蜂蜜将轻微的失去它们对花朵的触觉这个最大价值。
A tanker carrying thousands of gallons of gasoline crashed on a northern California highway, catching on fire and causing a section of the highway to collapse. 一辆载着数千加仑汽油的油轮撞在加利福尼亚西部一座路桥上,当时引起起火并导致一部分桥段倒塌。
A tape recording of a voice reading a book for use by the blind in learning and recreation. 给盲人学习和娱乐用的书本内容的录音磁带。
A tape recording of sound. 已录音磁带录下声音的磁带
A taper has two sides, the underside is a circle, the flank is a camber. 结论:圆锥有两个面,底面是一个圆形,侧面是一个曲面。
A tapered steel pin for enlarging and aligning holes. 打孔器用来扩大或调整孔洞的尖钢针
A tarantula will sometimes kill a small animal like a snake, frog, or bird, but crickets, beetles, and other insects are more typical prey. 狼蛛有时候会猎杀一些小型动物,譬如蛇、青蛙或者小鸟,但通常列在它食谱上面的则是蟋蟀、甲虫或者其它的一些昆虫。
A target market represents a group of people who have similar needs and wants ,and are believed to have interest in the same products. 个目标市场代表—组具有共同需要与需求,并被认为对同类商品具有兴趣的人。)
A tariff brings gains for domestic producers, by ~ing only the foreign products. 由于只对外国产品征税,关税给国内生产者带来利益。
A task force is a group of Rotarians appointed by the RI president to assist Rotary clubs and districts carry out specific functions. 特别行动小组是指一群由国际扶轮社长所指派专门去协助扶轮社及地区执行特定功能的扶轮社社员。

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