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When a car is scrapped, the battery should be consigned to an acid-proof container.

When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly. 每次演示给修理工看电器如何不正常运作时,它都干得挺好。
When a building is selected and if a ground rally point is set the rally point will briefly animate. 当选中一个建筑中并且它的集结地点已经设置,那么集结地点的位置将会简单的显示。
When a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat, is brought forth, then it shall be seven days under the dam; and from the eighth day and thenceforth it shall be accepted for an offering made by fire unto the LORD. 27才生的公牛,或是绵羊或是山羊,七天当跟着母,从第八天以后,可以当供物蒙悦纳,作为耶和华的火祭。
When a buried pipeline goes through permafrost zone, thermal action between medium in pipeline and permafrost occurs and causes the frozen earth thawing, so the thaw settlement forms around the pipeline. 摘要埋地油气管道通过永冻土地带时,由于管内介质与周围的冻土发生了热力作用,使冰土解冻,在管道周围形成融化圈。
When a captain got hold of a pilot of particularly high reputation, he took pains to keep him. 每逢一个船长用到一名名声特别高的掌舵者,他必须千方百计把他留住。
When a car is scrapped, the battery should be consigned to an acid-proof container. 拆卸汽车时,电池应放置在耐酸容器中。
When a car is stopped at a traffic light, for example, the signal can suddenly become noisy and distorted. 举例来说,当车子停在红绿灯前时,讯号可能突然变得吵杂而失真。
When a car's rear end doesn't want to go around a corner and tries to overtake the front end as the driver turns in towards the apex. 是指当车手试图在顶点过弯时,车身尾部无法沿着正常轨迹线转过弯道,并且试图甩过车身前部。
When a catalytically active enzyme forms a complex with a cofactor a holoenzyme is produced. 酶蛋白和辅助因子两者结合成完整分子时,形成具有活力的全酶。
When a caterpillar sheds its final exoskeleton and mutates into a chrysalid, it is already well on its way to becoming a butterfly. 当毛虫脱掉最后的外骨骼,变成蝶蛹时,它已踏上了化蝶之路。
When a cell needs to make new proteins, the helix untwists and the rungs split apart so the cell's machinery can read the code. 当细胞需要制造新蛋白质时,双螺旋就拆解开来,其中的横梯也一分为二,让细胞里的装置可以读取编码。

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