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The sentence structures and examples in this book are all about pornography.

The sentence doesn't make sense at all. 这个句子一点都不合理。
The sentence is ambiguous in sense, which makes the whole paragraph hard to understand. 这个句子的意思模棱两可,这使得整个段落都令人费解。
The sentence of court was three years imprisonment. 法院的判决是三年徒刑。
The sentence of six months imprisonment was most unjust. 六个月监禁的判决极其不公。
The sentence reads oddly. 这句子读起来很怪。
The sentence structures and examples in this book are all about pornography. 书中的句子结构、例句等等都是使用情色文学。
The sentence was remarkable at the time—a perfect summary, in a few pithy words, of exactly what was new about the new republic. 这个句子在当时是意义非凡的,它对新共和国的创新之处进来了恰如其分的完美总结。
The sentences in these books are simpler, which are suitable for senior high school students. 因为简写本里的句子相对比较简单,适合高中生阅读。
The sentiment is a thing which very difficult to ponder over,Some people love difficulty,Some people love happiness.I believed.So long as has a sincere good heart.Certainly can find belongs to own happiness! 感情是个很难琢磨的东西,有人爱的艰苦,有人爱的幸福.我相信.只要拥有一颗真诚善良的心.就一定会找到属于自己的幸福!
The sentimentalism novel, together with other novel types, has facilitated the Chinese novel narrative from the tradition to the modern. 感伤主义小说与其他小说类型一道,促成了中国小说叙事形式由传统向现代的转变。
The sentinel was stationed on a hill. 哨兵被派驻在山丘上。

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