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Even small laboratories in homes can require costly cleanup.

Even shoes lost out. The study found 86 percent would prefer a new digital video camera to a pair of designer shoes. 就连鞋子都被抛弃一边。调查结果显示,与一双大品牌鞋子相比,86%的女性更希望得到一台新型数码摄像机。
Even shrink-wrapped products are shipped as often as quarterly. 甚至可以简包装的产品可以每季度地发运。
Even significant controversies may be settled through mediation. 即使是重大的争议都有可能通过调解解决.
Even since 1991, Indian government have been afraid to touch this “SSI holy cow” for fear of a backlash from the SSI lobby. 自1991年以来,印度政府害怕触动好比圣牛一般的“小规模工业”,怕引起小规模企业游说团的强烈反应。
Even singer Rob Thomas of matchbox twenty - himself no stranger to screaming women - was taken aback. 即使是听惯了女歌迷尖叫的火柴盒20合唱团歌手罗布·托马斯也大吃了一惊。
Even small laboratories in homes can require costly cleanup. 甚至家庭小实验室都能够得到高额的利润。
Even small proteins can consist of 100 amino acids. 即使是很小的蛋白质也包含100多个氨基酸。
Even smaller cities like Salvador have lots going on. 即使是小城市萨尔瓦多一样,有很多正在进行中.
Even so , newspaper people should be much happier than the magazine people , because only four per cent said they needed magazines , as against nineteen per cent for radio . 即便如此,报界人士应比办杂志的人高兴得多了,因为说需要杂志的人只有4%,而要广播的人达到了19%。
Even so ,it's still truth in her words. 即便如此,她的话也还是有些道理.
Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 罗6:11这样、你们向罪也当看自己是死的.向神在基督耶稣里、却当看自己是活的。

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