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“The advantages of being part of an integrated global financial services firm are multifold in the way we operate and serve our wealthy clients,” he says.

“The Viola don't seem to have plans to sign players of the calibre of Gilardino,” continued the agent. “佛罗伦萨看起来并没有把吉拉迪诺列入他们下赛季的计划,”这名经纪人说道。
“The Wal-Mart distribution mechanism is so effective that if you don't follow it, you're out of business. 沃尔玛的经销机制效果显著,如果你不遵照的话,就会被市场淘汰。
“The Wedding Ring Coffin is the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one for bringing closure after a divorce. 「婚戒棺材对您或您所爱的人来说,都是离婚后画下句点的绝佳礼物。
“The World Bank was told that it could not publish this information. It was too sensitive and could cause social unrest,” one adviser to the study told the Financial Times. 这份研究报告的一位顾问告诉英国《金融时报》:“世行被告知,不能发表这些信息。这些内容过于敏感,可能引发社会不稳定。”
“The X-ray shows a transmitter implanted in my brain.” — Implant victim. “X光显示一个传输器被移植到我的大脑。”-移植的受害者。
“The advantages of being part of an integrated global financial services firm are multifold in the way we operate and serve our wealthy clients,” he says. 他表示:“成为一个综合性全球金融服务公司的一部分,为我们的业务运作、为我们向富裕客户提供服务带来了多重优势。”
“The agency's committee is therefore recommending the inclusion of strong warnings across the whole of the European Union to doctors and parents about these risks,” the London-based watchdog said in a statement. 「该署委员会因此建议,全欧盟采行这个强烈警示,提醒医生及父母相关的风险,」这个总部设在伦敦的监督组织在一份声明中说。
“The amount paid or payable, often in installments, for an insurance policy. 您的人寿保险一年需要交多少次保险费?
“The announcement has caused more panic among American women than any other medical decision since a contraceptive device, the Dalkon Shield, was removed from the market in 1974. 自1974年“打空盾"子宫避孕器被强迫下市以来,此项(停止整容手术的)宣告引起妇女最大的恐慌,甚于任何其他医疗决策。
“The answer to that right now is ‘no,’” Armstrong said ruefully. “But I reserve the right to change my mind. “那个问题的答案目前是‘不’”阿姆斯特朗遗憾地说,“不过我保留改变我主意的权利。”
“The applause of those in the audience who are awake arouse the rest, who then applaud,” said his wife. 他的妻子答道:“醒着听众的掌声唤醒了睡着的人,他们会紧跟着鼓掌。”

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