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However, you will let her down to the extent that she's gonna never show up again once you forgo your conviction.

However, you need to find the right place and fly kites at the right time. 然而,你需要找到合适的地方,在恰当的时间放风筝。
However, you should count on your peers. 不过你应该依赖你的同伴。
However, you should use this only with difficult questions. If you overuse it, it sounds artificial. 不过,你只能在对付难题时用这个方法。如果你过度使用,那会听上去很假。
However, you will be able to be a member to more than one guild, with the restriction that you can only belong to one warlike guild. 然而,您可以成为好几个公会的成员,但是您只能加入一个战斗公会。
However, you will benefit from briefly scanning all of the handouts to get a feel for what is available. 但是,简单浏览一下看看这里有些什么对你有好处。
However, you will let her down to the extent that she's gonna never show up again once you forgo your conviction. 可是,如果你怀有疑心或抛弃信仰,那么她就会失望,很可能永远不在你面前出现。
However, young werewolves are prone to strange dreams and fits of temper that alienate them from their relatives or friends. 然而,年幼的狼人经常会做很奇怪的梦,而且会突然暴发的脾气会使他们疏远自己的亲属或者朋友。
However,I think that one can abandon oneself to new experiences when overseas without treating one\'s training with abandon. 我个人的理解是,一个人在海外时可以沉溺于新的体验而不让自己的学习深造受到影响.
However,I think there're not many steel wares imitated those from water,are there?How to distinguish the newly-imitated things from water or earth? 不过我想钢铁制品仿出水的不多吧?怎么才能分辨出水出土新仿?
However,What will be my commission? 然而,我的委托是什么呢?
However,at this stage it is instructive to consider the advantages provided by lightwave communication via optical fibers in comparison with other forms of line and radio communication which have brought about the introduction of such systems in many area 然而,相比于其它在全世界很多地区引进这样的系统的有线及无线电通信方式来说,重视由光纤实现的光波通信的优势是很有意义的.

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