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I am not gossipy.

I am not good at fighting, you are not good at playing Poker. Changjiang river defense depends on you all. 开国大典:打仗我不行,打牌你不行,长江防线就全靠你们几位仁兄啦!
I am not good at mathematics . 我的数学不太好。
I am not good at mathematics. 我的数学不太好。
I am not good at maths and see is not better than I. 判断正误:我数学学得不好,她并不比我好。
I am not good at organic chemistry. 我的有机化学学得不好。
I am not gossipy. 我才不会长舌呢。
I am not health enough,though I have a well-liking habit. 虽然我有一个健康的习惯,(但是)我不是很健康.
I am not hedonism, but I have liked the life which enjoys. 我不是享乐主义,可我喜欢过享受的生活。
I am not here for you, devil! Turn over Ortufon, and we will leave peacefully. 我不是来找你的,魔鬼!交出奥图番,我们会和平地离开。
I am not however, going to take any stance on the question of whether or not these goals are ethical, logical or indeed relevant at all. 我完全无意评论这些目的是否符合道德观念,逻辑性或者是否贴切。
I am not hungry at all,really. 我是一点也不饥饿的,真。

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