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Therefore, comparatively, the entrepreneur is provided with radical mental characteristics: enthusiasm, monomania, imaginativeness, and entrepreneurship; self-confidence, strong desire of achievement; rebelliousness and adventurousness.

Therefore, by processing various kinds of reading concepts adapted from transcendent works, this research discusses the relationship of transformation and interaction of reading privileges between receivers and performers. 因此本研究并藉由超文本的多向阅读概念,来探讨字文创作上读者与创作者之间,阅读权力的转换与互动关系。
Therefore, by using attributive theory and sample choosing, I find some electorate who has the economic voting character. 在台湾选民的投票考量上,政党认同、统独立场仍是主要影响选民投票决定的主要变数。
Therefore, carefulness is very important. 因此,认真、仔细是很重要的一点。
Therefore, chicks must stay with their mother hen once they are hatched. 所以小鸡仔一出世就要和它妈妈呆在一起。
Therefore, community autonomy is duty-bound to take on the dual responsibilities and dual tasks of administration and self-government. 因此,社区自治义不容辞地负有行政与自治的双重职责和双重任务。
Therefore, comparatively, the entrepreneur is provided with radical mental characteristics: enthusiasm, monomania, imaginativeness, and entrepreneurship; self-confidence, strong desire of achievement; rebelliousness and adventurousness. 该文对企业家与职业经理的心理特质差异进行探讨,丰富了原有研究。
Therefore, competition is beneficial to a business and it is an necessary element in the business industry. 所以,竞争对于商业社会是一个有利的现象。
Therefore, competition oriented restructuring and privatization are two reform themes in network industries. 因此,以促进竞争为导向的市场结构重组与民营化是这些网络产业改革的两大主题。
Therefore, concisely we are speaking about an only online national database and in Real-Time. 所以,我们谈到了简洁全国唯一网上数据库和实时.
Therefore, consignment exports are not really exports because the exporter remains title to the goods until the importer sells the goods to final customers or third parties. 因此,代销出口并不是真正的出口,因为在代销商将货物卖给最终用户和第三者之前,出口人仍拥有对货物的所有权。
Therefore, consignment exports are not really exports because the exporter retains title to the goods until the importer sells the goods to final customers or third parties. 因此,寄售出口并不是真正的出口,因为在代理商将货物卖给最终客户或第三者之前,出口人仍拥有对货物的所有权。

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