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Liuxiang is one of the fastest men in the world.

Liu: Me too, I want to deposit the 100000 Yuan to our company s account, and withdraw 1000 Yuan from our company account to replenish our petty cash found. 刘:我也很高兴,我想把这十万元存入我公司的账户并取出一千元来补充我们的零用现金基金。
Liu`s coach has been playing down his hurdler`s olympic medal chances. he says reaching the top 6 will be a breakthrough for chinese athletics. 刘翔的教练对于其夺得该项目奖牌尽量保持低调。他说能够晋升前六名对于中国田径运动就是重大突破。
Liuhou Temple is a place in commemoration of Liu Zongyuan, a famous writer, thinker and politician in Dang Dynasty, many cultural relic and historical materials are displayed in the temple, which affects Liu Zongyuan's biographical notes and political ach 柳侯祠是纪念唐代著名文学家、思想家、政治家柳宗元的地方,祠内陈列有许多文物、史料,反映了柳宗元的生平和政绩。
Liuhuzhou was located in Hequ area, a half-agricultural and half-animal husbandry geographical region and a key frontier fort where inhabited people of various minority nationalities in frequent contacts in the Tang Dynasty. 摘要唐代六胡州所在的“河曲”之地属半农半牧地带,既是多民族错居杂处而交融频繁地域,又是唐朝的边疆战略要地。
Liuqiao Sluice on Tuhaihe River is a sluice with 10 gates built on the downstream of Tuhaihe River in Liaocheng City, which operates for many years. 摘要徒骇河刘桥拦河闸是聊城市境内徒骇河下游一座10孔拦河节制闸,已运行多年。
Liuxiang is one of the fastest men in the world. 刘翔是世界上跑得最快的人之一。
Liuzhou People's Hospital Gamma Knife Center is involved in the successful therapy of obstinate epilepsy and Parkinson disease for a long time. 柳州市人民医院伽玛刀治疗中心,在长期治疗研究中成功开展了难治性癫痫和帕金森病的治疗工作。
Liuzzi lost ground on the opening lap and had to chase team mate Scott Speed all the way home, his STR01 hitting the rev limiter down the straight. 里尤兹在一开始就失去了位置,只能追着自己的队友斯科特-斯毕德把车开回了终点,他的STR01赛车在直道上撞上了转速限制器。
Liuzzi struggled as he had in qualifying with a braking problem and a down-on-power engine, stayed ahead of Coulthard throughout, but then had to pit on the penultimate lap with a hydraulic problem in the steering. 里尤兹则因为同排位赛的刹车问题和功率降低了的引擎而苦苦挣扎,不过整场比赛中却一直排在库塔之前,但就在倒数第二圈的时候由于转向液压故障而不同不再次停站。
Live ,act, and say nothing to the injury of anyone. It is not only the best as a matter of principle, but it is the path of peace and honor. 我们活着不能用言行去伤害任何人。这不仅是最好的处世之道,更能给你带来和睦和尊重。
Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you will get to enjoy it a second time. 过高尚和诚实的人生,当你老了回想起,你可以再一次享受你的人生。

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