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Attention: the above was translated from an ironical novel in Chinese.

Attention: In order to have good performance during mock test,we strongly suggest to avoid using internet at rush hour. In additional, broadband bandwidthnetwork is always recommanded. 另外,因为网路频宽的问题,建议考生尽量使用宽频网路,千万不要使用拨接网路,且不要在网路拥挤的时间上线练习,可以让模拟练习的品质更好喔~!
Attention: Incomplete application or failure to submit required supporting documents will delay the process of your application. 注:申请表填写不完整或未按要求提交有关材料,将会延误对此申请的审理时间.
Attention: This message board does not serve as the official channel for opinions or complaints. 注意:留言版并非正式投诉或表达意见的途径。
Attention: This message board does not serve as the official channel for opinions or complaints. Pls click here for opinions or complaints. 注意:留言版并非正式投诉或表达意见的途径。如要正式投诉或表达意见,请按'公司简介'。
Attention: This website is the personalized stand oh, mainly take individual opinion, the viewpoint carries on the construction as the starting point, therefore like has not added the statement the speech is only supplies the reference. 注意:本网站可是个个性化站点喔,主要以个人的言论,观点为出发点进行建设,所以如未加声明的话是仅供参考的啦。
Attention: the above was translated from an ironical novel in Chinese. 注意:以上文章是我翻译自一篇讽刺性中文,略有删节.
Attention: the potentiometer P7 on the linear cell must be always adjusted clockwise. 注意:在线性电池上的电位计P7必须是一直顺时针调整。
Attention: the product is not suitable for suede leather, keep away from children. 注意事项:本品不适于绒面革,勿让儿童玩耍。
Attention: the screen saver mode isn't available for Nokia N90. 注意:屏幕保护模式不能用在N90上。
Attention:This forum propagandizes the superstition by no means! 注意:本论坛并非宣传迷信!
Attentive Virgos do best in service-oriented jobs. 处女:认真的处女座人能做好各种服务类的工作。

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