Raul Castro, Cuba's defense minister and brother of Fidel Castro, stood by his communist brethren in Ho Chi Minh City, but he watched floats sponsored by American companies passing by.
卡斯特罗和他的越南共产党同志一道出席了胡志明市的庆祝活动,不过,从他眼前经过的游行花车,却是由美国公司赞助的。 |
Raul is Mr Real Madrid, a symbol of reverence for Madrilenos who recognise his iconic status, a figure to despise if your heart lies in Camp Nou.
劳尔是“皇马先生”,是皇马球迷的偶像和俱乐部象征,受人敬重;而如果你心属坎帕诺他则是个可恨的家伙。 |
Raul says he is not worried about international speculation over his public absence, explaining he is not used to appearing in public, except when it is required.
劳尔说,他并不担心国际社会对他未在公开场合露面的揣测。他解释说,他不习惯在公共场合露面,除非是“有必要的时候”。 |
Raul woke up and married Mamen Sanz, once Miss Madrid.
劳尔清醒过来,于是他和曾当选马德里小姐的玛曼*珊芝成婚。 |
Raul: One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
劳尔:一个人眼中的恐怖分子是另一个人眼中的自由战士。 |
Rav's bloody bones is a pirate symbol feared throughout the Galaxy.
雷夫的血骨海盗徽记令全银河系都为之惊惧。 |
Rave reviews began appearing in acting journals, leading to job offers from Hollywood to star in films.
演艺杂志上对他的好评开始出现,出演好莱坞电影的机会也随之而来。 |
Raven - One who, having derived little from his ancestors, has through Providence become the architect of his own fortunes or one of an enduring constancy of nature.
渡鸦-象征不食祖业,以杰出才智缔造自己的命运的强者,或是指对生命本质的追求矢志不移的人。 |
Raven Navy Issue has had it's description tweaked to display correct bonuses.
海军乌鸦的说明被修改了,以正确显示加成。 |
Ravinia's fame has now spread far beyond the city of Chicago.
拉维尼亚的名声现在已传播到各地。 |
Raw Material with Patent:Various kind of peptide raw materials, for example to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, fat and many more.
专利原料:拥有降血脂胜肽、降血压胜肽、降体脂肪胜肽、半胱胺酸胜肽、青春痘消除之活性蛋白专利原料。 |