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Survival is our first imperative.

Surveys show that 75% of people approve of the new law. 民意测验表明,75%的人赞成新颁布的法规。
Surveys show that about one-third of all people in the U.S. and Europe skip breakfast, primarily because they say they don't have enough time in the morning or because they want to lose weight — and what better way to do so than miss a meal? 有调查显示,在欧洲和美国,大约1/3的人不吃早餐,主要是因为早上没有足够的时间或许多人想借此减肥—还有什么比少吃一顿饭更好的减肥方法呢?
Surveys show that there is cognition deficiency and stereotypic distortion of social workers and community correction center among clients; social workers provide plenty of pertinent services, which meet the needs of clients and have gained positive comme 调查结果发现:服务对象对社区矫正社工及社团存在一定的认知不足和认知偏差;社工为服务对象提供了丰富且有针对性的服务,这些服务满足了服务对象的多种需要,获得了较高的满意度;从总体上来说,社工在专业伦理方面做得非常好,但在知情同意方面尚有待加强。
Surveys show the house price in Zhuhai has already reached 4000 Yuan per square meter, which is an obvious increase compared with that in the past two years. 据了解,目前珠海住房均价接近每平方米4000元,比两年前有明显的增幅。
Survival Instincts now also increase attack power by 2/4%. 生存本能现在也能增加2╱4%的攻击强度。
Survival is our first imperative. 我们当务之急是设法生存下来.
Survival skills are necessary to everyone. 生存能力对每个人都非常重要。
Surviving are his parents, his twin and another brother, and two sisters. 比斯尔在世的亲人还有,他的父母,他的胞弟,另外一个兄弟以及两个妹妹。
Surviving nearly an entire century, Italian Club, the old building has now taken on a new look, while its unique charm continues to show its past glory. 近一个世纪过去了,意大利夜总这幢老建筑旧貎换新颜,以其独特的魅力诉说着曾经有过的辉煌。
Surviving the mountain building process while in the mountains is precarious, and not advised. 想要躲过造山运动地质灾害的话,待在山里是不可靠的,而且我们不建议那么做。
Surviving, thanks. 凑合,谢谢。

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