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Word for word translation allows you to quickly read and comprehend the same interesting books that are read by American and British students.

Woops! I accidentally deleted all the files in this folder. 糟糕!我不小心把这个文件夹里文件都给删除了。
Worcestershire is a county in western England, and formerly the location of a monastery of Franciscan friars, one of whom saw a Jarvey in the middle ages in the monastery's herbe garden (FB). 伍斯特郡是英格兰南部的一个郡,曾经是圣方济会修士们的修道院的所在地,中世纪的时候,有一个修士在修道院的花园里看到过一只土扒貂(神奇动物)。
Word Fantasy? is quite proud that we have our own computer-designed management system, which integrates powerful functions from member management to financial management. 一直对我们拥有自行设计的,涵盖从人事管理到财务管理等的计算机多功能集成管理系统而深感自豪。
Word and sometimes page wraparound is automatically performed as needed. 在需要时,系统自动完成卷字和卷页。
Word came that the general himself was coming to inspect us. 消息传来,将军亲自来视察我们。
Word for word translation allows you to quickly read and comprehend the same interesting books that are read by American and British students. 逐字翻译使你能够快速阅读和理解英美学生读的有趣书籍。
Word had leaked of this latest “rainbow bomb” test shot, so a few enterprising resorts had organized rooftop parties from which guests could better view the distant fireworks. 关于最新「彩虹炸弹」试爆的风声早已洩漏,因此几家动作较快的度假村举行了屋顶派对,让住客更清楚地观赏这场遥远的烟火大秀。
Word had spread: the brooch was dead. 于是就传开了:胸针已经淘汰了。
Word is a shadow of deed. 语言是行为的影子。
Word keys and mini English lessons accompany every article. 每篇文章都配有单词释义和迷你小课堂。
Word list identifiers are implementation-dependent single-cell values that identify word lists. 词列表识别记号是实作相依的单一单元值,指定了词的列表.

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