Canada's Forests: Sustainable Management or Subsidized Destruction?
加拿大的森林:可持续管理或是资助破坏? |
Canada's business community has also been complaining nonstop about the Conservative Party's lack of an active attempt to associate with China.
加拿大商业界也对保守党政府未与中国积极交往抱怨不断。 |
Canada's dependence on trade had grown dramatically over the past decade.
在过去十年,加拿大对外贸易快速成长。 |
Canada's fisheries minister said Thursday 270,000 harp seals would be killed in its annual commercial hunt, deemed the largest marine mammal massacre in the worldby animal rights groups.
加拿大渔业部长于3月29日宣布,该国渔民将会在今年的年度商业捕猎活动中杀死总共27万只格陵兰海豹,而在一些动物保护组织成员看来,这一行动堪称“当今世界上对于海洋哺乳动物的最大规模的屠杀”。 |
Canada's most widely distributed hardwood.
加拿大分布最广的硬木。 |
Canada's natural resources are abundant .
加拿大的天然资源很丰富。 |
Canada's oil sands, or tar sands, as the goo is known, are outsized in every way.
加拿大的油沙,又称沥青沙,即上面提及的粘性物质,不论怎么说都只能用庞大来形容。 |
Canada's prime minister, Stephen Harper, visited the Arctic to assert his country's sovereignty claims in the area.
加拿大总理斯蒂芬·哈珀到达北极圈,以维护加拿大在该区域的部分主权。 |
Canada—like America, a “frontier” country with high rates of gun ownership—sees far fewer victims shot down: the firearm murder-rate south of the Canadian border is vastly higher than the rate north of it.
像美国一样,加拿大也是私人枪支拥有上比较“领先”的国家,但加却没有像美国那样发生那么多命丧枪口的案件,尽管挨着美国的加拿大南部枪杀案发案率要远远高于其北部。 |
Canadian Business.
加拿大商业》刊载加拿大金融、贸易,以及工商企业经营与商业教育等方面的综述文章和消息报道。 |
Canadian Constitution is the system of laws and conventions by which our country governs itself.
加拿大宪法是一个法律及公约制度,以此来治理加国。 |