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A complete diallel of seven yellow-seeded rapeseed lines as sample which come from different sources by using canonical correlation approach was carried out.

A complaint service lets villagers report local problems, such as malfunctioning hand pumps or teachers failing to show up at schools. 该网路还提供投诉服务,让村民提报地方上的问题,好比抽水帮浦故障,或是教师没来学校上课。
A complete B vitamin spectrum. 完整的维生素B群。
A complete acquaintance with biodiversity of the source regions of the Yangtse River, Yellow River and Lancang River will be helpful to its environment protection and construction. 摘要江河源区西部、南部、东南部和东北部都毗邻生物多样性中心,生态系统多样,物种较丰富。
A complete balance of vitamins optimally formulated to assist in important normal functions of building the body and utilising the body's resources. 配方完整均衡的维生素群是用来帮助维持身体架构重要正常的功能,让身体的机能能派上用场。
A complete body of prescribed studies constituting a curriculum. 课程,科目,教程构成教学大纲的一整套指定学习体系
A complete diallel of seven yellow-seeded rapeseed lines as sample which come from different sources by using canonical correlation approach was carried out. 摘要以7个不同遗传来源的甘蓝型黄籽品系所配制的完全双列杂交作样本,对甘蓝型黄籽油菜进行典型相关分析。
A complete food it may be, but not quite as complete as a juicy steak. 那或许是一个完全的食物,但不可能象一个多汁的牛排那样完全。
A complete fracture is when the bone comes apart. 完全骨折是指骨头分成了好几块。
A complete hands-off approach is abdicating your business responsibility. 彻底的不闻不问意味着你对自己事业责任的放弃。
A complete nomination will include the nomination form, a resume or curriculum vitae, a detailed description of the individual's service achievements, and a digital or print photograph of the candidate. 完备的提名应包括任提名表格、简历、个人服务成就详尽的描述、和候选人的数位或者印刷品的照片。
A complete program, based on a finite element analysis, allows tooth proportion improvement increasing the life of the gearing. 一项已经完成的以有限元分析为基础的项目能够对齿的比例进行改善,从而延长了齿轮的工作寿命。

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