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Husserl, Edmund, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, 1970.

Hushai said moreover, You know your father and his men, that they are mighty men and bitter in soul, like a bear robbed of her whelps in the field; and your father is a man of war and will not lodge with the people. 8户筛又说,你知道,你父亲和跟随他的人都是勇士,现在他们魂里苦恼,如同田野丢崽子的母熊一般,而且你父亲是个战士,必不和民一同住宿。
Hushi's translation ideas rise in his literary proposition. 摘要胡适之译学理念发轫于其文学主张。
Hush……How beautiful a girl! Don't wake her up! 嘘,多美的女孩,不要吵醒她!
Husky Injection Molding Systems is a global leading supplier of injection molding equipment and services to the plastics industry. 赫斯基注塑系统是为塑胶加工工业提供注塑设备和服务的世界知名的供应商之一。
Husky is a kind of sled-dog. 哈士奇是一种雪撬狗。
Husserl, Edmund, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, 1970. 波珀:《科学发现的逻辑》,查汝强、邱仁宗译,科学出版社1986年版。
Hussin ,Matalib1993.Islam In Malaysia:From Revivalism To Islam State.Singpapore:Singapore Press. 金宜久主编1996。《当代伊斯兰教》,北京:东方出版社。
Hust –Life, like a seed, demonstrates its vigor during growth. 生命科技公司是一粒种子,在其萌发中表现了蓬勃的生命力。
Hust-Life adopts advanced chemosynthesis technology, and its API industrialization fills up the gap in the domestic field. 公司第一批产业化的原料药项目—中分子量代血浆羟乙基淀粉200/0.5是欧洲目前最常用血浆代用品的原料。
Huston is now the greatest commercial center of the Southwest and the chemical capital of the world. It is a center of petrochemical and synthetic rubber production . It is also the home of the space center. 休斯敦被称作世界化工之都,是美国西南部地区最大的商业中心,也是石油化工和合成橡胶中心,还是宇航中心所在地。
Hut different structural units have different characteristics in initial horizon, initial depth of abnormal pressure and their section features. 各构造单元在异常高压初始层位、初始深度、剖面特征等方面又有不同特点。

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