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Now like savage beast 'twill howl,

Now let's us step into the fairyland created by “Beauty and the Beast” once again. 现在,让我们再次进入《美女与野兽》所营造的幻境之中吧。
Now lets continue onto the actual plugin configuring. 现在让我们继续实际的插件设置。
Now lets edit index.php. 是一个模板注释。
Now let’s speak freely. 现在请大家畅所欲言。
Now lie the phone flat so that the top of the phone points towards the sun. 现在让手机水平放置,以至让它的顶点朝着太阳。
Now like savage beast 'twill howl, 现在野人野兽的嚎叫斜纹,
Now listen closely, and I'll give you all the ingredients you'll need for this mouth-watering dessert. 现在请听好,我就要把这个令人垂涎三尺的甜点材料告诉大家。
Now listen to me! Send back your fellow countrymen you have taken as prisoners, for the LORD'S fierce anger rests on you. 11现在你们当听我说、要将掳来的弟兄释放回去、因为耶和华向你们已经大发烈怒。
Now listen to the dialogues in Activity 4 and check your answers. 现在听活动4里的对话,检查答案。
Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. 1嗐、你们这些富足人哪、应当哭泣、号啕、因为将有苦难临到你们身上。
Now look here, pal, you're asking for trouble! 我说, 兄弟, 你是自找麻烦哪!

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