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Mishaps due to preoccupation will be upsetting.

Misfortunes are helpful and instructive. 不幸是有益的。
Misfortunes come at night. 祸常生于不测。
Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. 【谚】祸来如飞行,祸去似步行。
Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. 祸来如飞行,祸去似步行。
Misgiving mixing unimaginable gladness made me feel dizzy. 疑惧和望外的喜悦搅在一起,使我晕眩起来。
Mishaps due to preoccupation will be upsetting. 由于太专注于某事而引起的事故让你苦恼不堪。
Misidentifications aren't due to racism, however, said Roy Malpass, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at El Paso who's published widely on the cross-race effect.“People make about 50 percent more errors,”he said, whenever they're asked to 曾发表许多关于跨种族效应著作的德州大学艾尔帕索分校的心理学教授洛伊.马尔帕斯表示,辨识错误并非源自于种族歧视,他说,当人们被要求记住其他种族的面孔时,「他们辨识错误的机率约有五成以上」。
Misjudging the number of permits, in contrast, could send permit priceseither skywards or through the floor, with immediate, and costly, economicconsequences. 相比之下,如果对行政许可发放数量判断失误,就会造成许可价格忽高忽低,引发直接的,昂贵的经济后果。
Mismatches in the alignment correspond to mutations, and gaps correspond to insertions or deletions. 在比对中,错配与突变相应,而空位与插入或缺失对应。
Misprints occur on every page. 每页都有印刷错误.
Misreading of the structure of the Chinese characters, of the rules and forms of the Chinese classic poems in composition, and of their meanings, became the inspirational source for Pound and other poets of imaginary school in their poetic reform and crea 对汉字结构、中国诗的格律、诗歌含义等方面产生的误读,成为庞德等意象派诗人进行诗歌革新和创作的灵感源泉,并对当时英美意象诗派的形成和繁荣产生了积极作用。

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