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A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield.

A brave arm makes a short sword long. 一个勇敢的人,手中的短刃也会变成长剑。
A brave fireman rescued the woman. 一个勇敢的消防队员救了这女人。
A brave girl!with th e obbligato “Dragon\'s offspring”,she finished the impossible mission ! 勇敢的女孩,在“龙的传人”的伴奏下忍着伤痛完成了“不可能完成的任务”!
A brave heart is a powerful weapon. 一个勇敢的心是一件有力的武器。
A brave man knows no fear. 勇敢的人不知道什么是畏惧。
A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield. 勇者可能跌倒,但不会屈服.
A brave man smiles in the face of adversity. 勇者面对逆境也微笑;勇者不惧。
A brave man's wounds are seldom on his back. 一个勇敢的人背部很少受到伤害。
A brawl breaks out in the Nigerian parliament amid a debate over the Speaker's alleged misuse of public funds. 一次争吵在针对公众基金的说者涉嫌误用的辩论之中在奈及利亚人国会爆发。
A brawny or brutish man. 强壮的人,粗鲁的人
A breach of contract allows the innocent party to enforce the contract, rescind the contract or sue for damages. 合同违约可导致无辜一方强制执行合同,废止合同或就损失提出诉讼。

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