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He is swaying between two opinions.

He is sure his diagnosis will be confirmed. 他肯定自己的诊断会得以证实。
He is sure of returning. 他自认有把握会回来。
He is surprised at her words. 他听到她的话感到很吃惊。
He is surprised to find his room thoroughly clean. 他惊讶得发现他的房间给彻底地打扫了。
He is suspended for Saturday's game in Luxemburg due to his World Cup red card but will be available for a visit by Belarus in Eindhoven four days later. 他将会由于在世界杯上所得的红牌缺席在周六于卢森堡国家队的比赛,但是在四天以后,在荷兰队在恩和芬迎战白俄罗斯队的比赛中他将能够出场。
He is swaying between two opinions. 他在两种意见之间摇摆不定。
He is swearing in as a privy councillor. 他作为枢密院官员宣誓就职。
He is swimming across the river. 他正横渡小河。
He is taking part in an anti-American rally later Friday in Argentina. 他星期五晚些时候会出席在阿根廷举行的一个反美集会。
He is talkative and always keeps jumping from one subject of conversation to another. 他很健谈,总是不断地从一个话题跳到另一个话题。
He is talking of going abroad. 他说要出国去。

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