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DaimlerChrysler is not alone in its quest for the ultimate clean vehicle.

DailyTech: At Microsoft's Sunday evening CES Keynote, Bill Gates mentioned that one area his company is looking to expand into is providing information services inside the car. 每日科技:在周日晚上的CES高端主题会议上,比尔·盖茨提到,他的公司瞄准的下一个市场就是为汽车提供车内信息服务系统。
Daimler said it had cut ?222m from the published balance sheet for 2003 because of the bribes and the discovery of underpaid taxes for the period. 戴姆勒克莱斯勒表示,由于行贿并发现2003年纳税不足,公司已从发表的2003年资产负债表中减去2.22亿欧元。
Daimler said “several” employees had been fired or suspended over bribes paid “primarily” in eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. 戴姆勒克莱斯勒表示,“数名”雇员已因“主要”在东欧、非洲和亚洲行贿而被解雇或停职。
Daimler will have to pay about 650 million dollars to complete the deal. 戴姆勒必须支付大约六亿五千万美元才能完成这次交易。
DaimlerChrysler appears close to selling the struggling Chrysler Group to a private equity firm that specializes in restructuring troubled companies, unwinding a 1998 merger that was meant to create a trans-Atlantic automotive powerhouse, people with dire 在星期日了解实情的人透露,戴姆勒-克莱斯勒看起来很可能将苦苦挣扎的克莱斯勒集团出售给一家擅长对破产公司进行重组的私人资本公司,从而放弃了他们1998年完成的旨在创造横跨大西洋的汽车巨头的合并。
DaimlerChrysler is not alone in its quest for the ultimate clean vehicle. 在追求极致洁净车的路上,戴姆勒克莱斯勒公司并不孤独。
DaimlerChrysler said it would start selling its minuscule two-seater cars in the United States from 2008. 戴姆勒—克莱斯勒集团称,它将从2008年起开始在美国出售其微型双座轿车。
Dainichi is the second largest car maker in Japan. 大日是日本第二大汽车制造公司。
Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hillside in the sunshine; serious and firm monotonies, as of winds; a horn sounding through the tangle of the forest, and the dying echoes; soothing floating of waves, but presently rising in surges, an 奔放而不失优雅,有时恍如造化在阳光照耀下的山腰傲笑;萧然执着的单调重复,恍如风声飒然;号声响彻纵横交错的森林,继而是渐渐消失的回声;波浪平缓飘荡,可是一会儿又波涛汹涌,怒涛冲击,隆隆作响,沉重有力;间隙传来尖利洪亮的笑声;偶尔怪诞,如同造化有时喜怒无常——不过大体还是自然而然,从容自在,无忧无虑——往往宛如赤身裸体的孩童在玩耍或沉睡时神态可掬。
Dainty and costly dress is second nature to her. 喜爱精致昂贵的衣服是她的第二天性。
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