Barbauld, Anna Laetitia. The Rights of Woman.In The Norton Anthology of Poetry. 4th ed. Edited by Margaret Ferguson, Mary Jo Salter, and Jon Stallworthy. New York: Norton, 1996.
安娜·莱提提尔·巴波尔德,《女权》。选自《诺顿诗选》(第四版)。玛格利特·福厄格森,玛丽·乔·索尔特,琼·斯特尔乌俄斯编辑。纽约:诺顿出版社,1996版。 |
Barbed wire barricades erected by police prevented the protesters from approaching the presidentialcomplex.
台北警方架起带刺铁丝网,阻止抗议者们接近总统办公地。 |
Barber, and Odean. All that Glitters: The Effect of Attention and News on the Buying Behavior of Individual and Institutional Investors.(PDF) See other papers.
闪亮的东西:注意的影响关于个体投资者和机构投资者购买行为的报导〉(PDF)参考其它论文. |
Barber: It isn't that. Sometimes I snip off a bit of a customer's ear.
理发师:不是这么会事,而是因为我常常会剪掉客人们一点耳朵什么的。 |
Barber:How do you want it,sir?
理发师:先生您打算要什么发型? |
Barbera died of natural causes at home with his wife Sheila. He is also survived by three children from a previous marriage.
巴伯拉在家中自然死亡,临终时有妻子希拉和前妻留下的3个孩子陪伴。 |
Barbie the bodacious plastic babe who became a role model for millions of little girls, setting an impossible standard for beauty and stylemakes the list at number 43.
风靡全球的塑料芭比娃娃位居排行榜第43位,它是无数小女孩心中所向往的“美丽和时尚”的典范。 |
Barbie has had more than 80 careers, ranging from doctor and scientist to soldier and president.
芭比有八十多种职业,从医生、科学家,到军人和总统都有。 |
Barbie survived and was in Children's Ho ital of Philadelphia recovering from shoulder, hand and leg injuries.
芭比最终幸免于难,但现在还在费城儿童医院接受肩部、手部和腿部的治疗。 |
Barbiturates are used for their calming, sedative effects.
巴比妥酸盐类具有镇静、安神作用。 |
Barbosa added that Vale do Rio Doce remains interested in building a steel works in a partnership with Chinese group Baosteel, in the northeast of Brazil, in a total investment of USD 2.4 million.
巴博萨补充道,巴西淡水河谷公司仍有兴趣与中国宝钢集团合作,在巴西东北部建立炼钢厂,全部投资为240万美元。 |