She regards negotiating prices with customers as her special preserve.
她把与顾客讨价还价看作自己的专长. |
She regrets that she hurt your feelings.
他后悔伤害了你的感情。 |
She regretted her impetuous decision.
她後悔自己做了冲动的决定。 |
She regularly baby-sits for us.
她定期前来为我们照看婴儿。 |
She regularly throws tantrums.
她经常大发脾气. |
She rejected me when I asker her out on date.
当我邀请她出去时,她拒绝了我。 |
She rejected my offer of help.
我主动提出给予帮助,她拒绝了。 |
She rejected the food without dramatics, or sometimes she threw it into the corners.
大人们连哄带骗也不能让她进食,有时她把食物扔到角落去。 |
She rejoiced at the prospect of the Paris trip.
她对即将能去巴黎旅行一事高兴万分。 |
She rejoices in the name of Cassandra Postlethwaite.
她为有卡桑德拉·波斯尔思韦特这样的名字而引以为荣. |
She related her awkwardness to a break-up with her boyfriend, or perhaps to earlier experiments with drugs - mostly cannabis, but some amphetamines and LSD.
她认为她的心理障碍与她同男友分手有关,或者可能是她早年尝试毒品的结果–“主要是大麻,不过还有一些安非他明和LSD(麦角酸二乙基酰胺)。” |