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The paper brings forward precept about quality education of network security, aiming at cause and character about transgressing network regular about academician and combining actuality of quality education about network security of universities.

The paper briefly introduces the scenarios of foreign dredging markets and the environmental protection measures taken by dredging contractors as well as the dredging and land reclamation works in recent years in foreign countries. 摘要文章中简要介绍了当前国外疏浚市场的形势、承包商采取的环保措施以及近年来世界各地疏浚和吹填工程的概况。
The paper briefly reviewed the development history and development trend of performance measurement and built general measures of performance measurement of firm including measures of financial level, measures of technology innovation level, measures of c 摘要首先简要地回顾了绩效评价的发展历程和趋势,在此基础上建立了由财务层面的指标、技术创新层面的指标、顾客层面的指标、业务流程层面的指标和社会和环保层面的指标构成的企业战略绩效战略评价的一般指标。
The paper briefly reviews the use of rebate rules in validity tests of the contingent valuation method, a survey method widely used to estimate the value of natural resources under realistic, but hypothetical, conditions. 本报告简要回顾退还规则之应用在条例评估法的效度检测,这是在真实但假设条件下,广泛用来评估自然资源价值的一种调查方法。
The paper bring forward multiplier theory of the constructing land and apply it to the feasibility appraisement of the total programming of the utilizing glebe, it aim to advance its technicality and easily manipulate. 文章提出了建设用地乘数,并把其应用于土地利用总体规划可行性评价工作中,旨在提高科学性和可操作性。
The paper brings fornard a ladder-like model of the construction of possibility of technological innovation on the basis of logical analysis、ontological analysis、epistemological analysis and philosophy analysis to it. 在对创新可能性建构进行逻辑分析、本体论分析、认识论分析和哲学分析的基础上,提出了技术创新可能性建构的阶梯模型。
The paper brings forward precept about quality education of network security, aiming at cause and character about transgressing network regular about academician and combining actuality of quality education about network security of universities. 本文针对大学生网络违法犯罪的原因和特点,结合目前高校网络安全素质教育的现状,提出了有关网络安全的素质教育方案。
The paper brings forward that where the shoe pinches about these disputes is whether the professional value of teacher education is recognized. 提出了对师范教育专业价值认可与否是争论的关键所在。
The paper brings out a few of measures to save energy including rational planning of grid, improvement of line loss management, public line, reactive compensation on-spot, promotion of single-phase transformer and elimination of timeworn facilities, etc. 提出了多种途径的节能措施,包括合理规划电网、加强线损管理、完善公用线路、公用台变无功就地补偿、推广单相变、淘汰落后用电设备等。
The paper calculates and analyses the problem of vibration and noise of subway gear box with the combination of structural FEM and acoustic FEM. 摘要运用结构有限元法和声学有限元法,对地铁某型号齿轮箱振动与噪声问题进行计算分析。
The paper calculates the Gini Quotiety of manufacture industry in Shanghai by using Gini Quotiety of locating industry by Krugman P.'s, and discusses the concentration degree of manufacture industry in Shanghai employing location quotient. 摘要利用克鲁格曼提出的衡量行业集中度的“行业选址的基尼系数”方法,计算了上海市制造业分行业的基尼系数,同时辅助以区位商,分析了上海市制造业的集中度。
The paper calculates the volume of scour and fill of the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River respectively through the observed data of cross sections, coming sediment and variations of water level with same discharge and the results are basically t 摘要通过实测断面资料、来沙量资料和同流量水位的变化等,对黄河内蒙古河段的冲淤量分别进行了估算,其结果基本一致。

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