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If you write 'die of disease' for the cause of death, but only write a specific time of death without the actual name of disease, the human will die from an adequate disease.

If you would supervise the refurbishing, 假如你能监督修理工作,
If you would understand the true sense … of a controverted Scripture, then look well into the coherence, the scope and the context thereof. 你若想明白一段有争议性经文的真正意思的话,要留意经文的完整性,其主题,和上下文。
If you would, set the table and take the dishes out. 如果你愿意的话,布置餐桌然后把菜端出去。
If you wrap up in several garments, you will keep warm. 如果你穿上几件衣服,你就能保暖。
If you write 'die of accident' for the cause of death, the victim will die from a natural accident after 6 minutes and 40 seconds from the time of writing it. 在只写上意外身亡,而却不写上死亡状况时,其6分40秒以后,就会在最短时间里遇上自然的意外而身亡。
If you write 'die of disease' for the cause of death, but only write a specific time of death without the actual name of disease, the human will die from an adequate disease. 当写上病死时,不写上病名,但却指定了时间的话,就会依照那时间以合适的病症死亡。
If you write 'die of disease' like before with a specific disease's name, but without a specific time, if it takes more than 24 days for the human to die the 23-day rule will not take effect and the huamn will die at an adequate time depending 如果视为病死,写上了病名,但却没有指定时间的话,当因那病症而死是需要24日以上时,“能操纵的死亡时间是23日”便不适用,对方会在因那种病症而死的适当时间里才会死。
If you write a personal check and it bounces, you will have to pay the bank high service charge on it. 如果你开出的私人支票因透支而被视为无效,你必须付给银行一笔高额的服务费。
If you write about popular spreading ideas with plenty of original content (and link to some of the original resources), your site may get listed as a source on the meme tracker site. 如果你写出关于热门话题的原创内容(并连向原始资源),你的网站也可能被投票排名网站列为信息源。
If you write the speech out word-for-word and then just read it, you will sound very boring. 如果你把讲演稿逐字逐句地写下来,然后照本宣科,你的演讲听起来会很无聊。
If you write to me and don't get a reply within a week, write again, I sometimes, inadvertently, loose a few letters. 如果你写信给我,在一个星期内没有收到回信,请再发给我,我有时无意中漏掉了少数信件。

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