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Perhaps we must admit that it may be non-existing.

Perhaps we at last need global ethics in order to provide universal principles of dealing with our shared problems. 也许最终我们需要全球伦理来为处理我们共同的问题提供普遍的原则。
Perhaps we gloss over the problem by saying, Oh well, it has a happy ending. 我们可能忽视这些问题,说,哎呀,反正最后有一个愉快的结局。
Perhaps we had better begin with the ancient Egyptian collection. 也许我们最好从古埃及收藏品看起吧。
Perhaps we have passed the peak of the environmental crisis. Are we already well on the way to balancing environmental, economic, and societal needs? 也许我们已经历经环境危机的高峰而存活下来,然而我们真的已经走向环境、经济与社会需求的平衡?
Perhaps we might need to eat the grass roots to live.Are you fine with that? 也许我们要吃草根来过日子,这样是不是也没关系呢?
Perhaps we must admit that it may be non-existing. 可能我们必须认为它可能不存在。
Perhaps we should ask an expert. 也许我们该问问专家的意见。
Perhaps we should begin a discussion and ask people which songs would be their favourite choice for this music book. 也许我们应该开始开个主题并且问大家对于音乐书的出版哪些歌曲是他们认为是特别喜爱的并且是优先选择。
Perhaps we should celebrate the sesquicentennial by just giving it back — to Haiti, or an international trust or the state of nature itself. 或许我们庆祝150周年纪念,应该把纳弗沙岛还给海地,或交给国际托管,或保留自然状态本身。
Perhaps we should debate the merits of doing nothing, out of fear that a technologically advanced civilization would pose a threat to our institution, indeed, to our lives. 或许我们会争论不发展的优点,这出自害怕技术发达的文明会对我们的制度,甚至我们的生活造成威胁。
Perhaps we should think seriously about the way we are treating the world before we discover that we are the biggest disaster of all. 在我们认识到自己是一切灾害之首之前,我们也许应该认真地思考一下我们眼下对待这个星球的行为。

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