Seldom have I met her recently.
最近我很少见到她。 |
Seldom have I met him recently.
最近我很少碰到他。 |
Seldom is he late for school.
他很少上学迟到。 |
Seldom or never does a marriage develop into an individual relationship smoothly and without crisis.
没有任何婚姻能不经危机而平顺的发展为独特的关系。 |
Seldom seen, soon forgotten.
少见则易忘;别久则情疏。 |
Seldom seen, soon forgotten.
见得少,忘得快。 |
Select Exitunder Filein the system menu OR click the exit button in the top right corner.
选择系统功能表“档案”下的“结束”;或者可以选择右上角的关闭按钮。 |
Select Guild RankTo Modify where you will find the default ranks listed. You can stick with those or create your own ranks. You can also rename existing ranks.
选择“工会等级”修改默认的等级。你可以自定义等级,也能使用默认等级,还可以重命名等级名称。 |
Select Show Guild Statusagain to toggle back to the previous view.
再点选“显示玩家状态”一次便返回上一次视图。 |
Select Use another printer by specifying a port. Choose Parallel Port #1or Parallel Port #2from the list, do NOT choose CANON or EPSON parallel ports since these are special!
如上图,选择“使用指定端口的另外一台打印机,可以选择下拉列表中的并行口#1或并行口#2,不要选择Canon和Epson,因为这是为这两个品牌打印机专用的。 |
Select 6 images for projection and discussion during class and bring them with you.
选出并携带六张照片以提供课堂投影与讨论。 |