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The student refused to confess to having cheated on the exam.

The student murmured the answer with a blush. 那个学生红着脸小声说出了答案。
The student must go through the sometimes arduous process of making new friends, while attempting to keep up with school and keep in touch with old friends. 有时候学生必须经历艰辛的结交新朋友的过程,同时还要努力赶上学校的课程并且和老朋友保持联系。
The student of English enjoys learning about new things form politics to music and sports. 那位英语专业的学生喜欢了解从政治到音乐,体育的新动态。
The student of Zoroastrianism is confronted by several problems concerning the religion's founder. 琐罗亚斯德教的研究者碰上了几个有关宗教奠基人的问题。
The student passes case analysis, controling the latest theories that the company manages, including to manage an agreeable business enterprise to produce a power relation, carrying out the separation of business enterprise ownership and management power, 本课程中学员通过案例分析,掌握公司治理的最新理论,包括理顺企业产权关系,实现企业所有权和经营权的分离,推进股权多元化,建立所有者对经营者的监督和制衡机制,保证股东利益的最大化,实现企业持续发展。
The student refused to confess to having cheated on the exam. 那个学生拒绝承认考试作弊。
The student rushed to school. 这名学生匆匆赶到学校.
The student said Hello to all of us when we met him .He was thin and his face was black ,seems that he was undernourished.His father brushed the chairs with his sleeves immediately ,asked us to sit down .His mother leaned the door with foolish smile all t 那位学生见我们来了,高兴地向我们问好.他看上去瘦瘦的,脸色黝黑,一副严重营养不良的样子.他的父亲赶紧用袖子在长凳上擦拭了几下,笨拙地端给我们坐.他的母亲一直倚着门槛傻傻地笑.他的家比我想像的更穷.墙面上的石灰经不起风雨的侵蚀而纷纷脱落,阳光透过砖缝射进屋里来,在坑坑洼洼的地面上留下一个个斑驳的影子.两间小屋,一间是灶间,除了一张方桌和几张长板凳外,别无他物;另一间是卧室,两张床挤在一起,被褥旧得发白,垫被连棉絮都露在外面.唯一整理的井井有条的是一张旧桌子,应该是他的书桌吧,上面整整齐齐放着几本书.
The student said, Well, OK then... wait for me...and walked straight ahead to the grassy field. 学生说:“那好吧…等着我。”然后径直向草地走去。
The student said,We have learned about 3,000 English words so far. 那学生说到那时为止他们已学会了3,000个英语单词。
The student sat face to face with his teacher. 那学生与他的老师面对面地坐着。

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